
A Bright New Day

Yesterday's events were wonderful.

Jack Layton showed himself and his party as true "moonbats" by all but coming right out and saying "We will support this crooked Liberal government as long as they Accept NDP policy!"

PM squared was wriggling and begging on national TV. In primetime.

Mr. Harper used some of the same points that I used when rebutting the "leaked Liberal talking points". They were obvious ones yes, but nice to hear just the same. It's good for the ego.

Mr. Kinsella's own ego makes him write a piece where he seems to be gloating over giving the Liberal party grief. Your's truly gets to take a critical look at his words and come up with some decent questions as a result.

I'm finally starting to loose that little bit of cynicism that says "things won't change". I'm excited to see what the next few weeks will bring.

Too bad the "job thingy" is going to be distracting me.