
Moonbat Outreach contd...

There's fresh bait opps, I mean a new individual over at my blahg that hinks he's got what it takes... He's issued the challenge:

Zorpheous, how very....cryptic of you.Care to present the class with something of substance?Jeff 04.24.05 - 4:27 pm #

lol you're asking them to get blood from stone Jeff...Richard Evans Homepage 04.24.05 - 4:42 pm #

Certainly Jeff, what would you like to talk/debate about? There are so many issues at this time,... Budget? SSM? The time of the election? CPC working with the Bloc? Liberals working with the NDP? Senate reform? Legalizing Pot? The Gun registry? The weather? Kyoto? Green Energy Development? Tax reform? Those funny political compass tests and their results? Or the proper techniques of eating bananas while dancing? ;-) Oh so many topics, or we could talk about poor spelling as well ;-)Zorpheous Homepage 04.24.05 - 5:13 pm #

My reply was:

Holy crap we've got a live one... Hey Zorphalic how about coming over to my place to pick the fight? http://nomoresocialism.blogspot.com/ These individuals don't like having the blahg polluted with logic. I've got posts on the lib-left mentality, SSM, Abortion, Kinsella, and so much more. Pick one of the current ones though as I have having to scroll down to find the new tidbits. Actually, give me 15 min and I'll give you your own post...Richard Evans Homepage 04.24.05 - 6:16 pm #

I've been growing "snarky" with the in-duv-viduals lately has anyone noticed? I'll try to tone it down some.

Anyway Zorpheous here we go:

Budget: The budget was rigged to trigger the fall of the government with the hopes of bolstering support for the martin regime based on the misplaced idea that the conservatives don't want mothers to get free daycare and that the conservatives don't want the Atlantic provinces to get their cash.

SSM: SSM is nothing more than attempt by the gay community to further their agenda of acceptance by forcing their lifestyle to be accepted in the mainstream.

Election Timing: The libs are no longer in control of timing. The Canadian people have the information needed to form an honest opinion of the lib govt. and don't need to wait any longer. They don't need a fancy formatted report to help make their decision. The libs hope that stalling will force the issue out of the minds of the populace...

NDP and Libs: If the NDP wishes to prop up the libs they do so at their own peril. The public has already noticed that Layton stood up and said (for all intents and purposes) that "We will support this corrupt govt. provided that out agenda is met!" The public knows that the Libs said something similar with "We know that there was some corruption but it was worth it to save Canada!" The public is not happy. You make the connections.

Senate Reform: Triple "E" Senate is the only way to go. Bring some balance to the legislature.

Legal Pot: In the lib-left world it's a harmless drug. In the real world there are problems with it. What's required is a government that's willing to deal with appropriately by eliminating it.

Gun Registry: This one is fun. A $2M dollar database turns into a $2B dollar database. Methinks there are some shades of adscam involved. As for the premise: Criminals don't register their guns because they are... wait for it... CRIMINALS!

Kyoto: A simple transfer of wealth from western nations to 3rd world countries with no measurable value to the environment. The science behind it has been completely debunked.

Tax reform: Too much of my tax money goes toward silly social programs!

Green Energy: Make it cost effective and people will go for it. Stop rolling out expensive alternatives and calling it progress.

Compass tests and results: A snapshot in time. Completely dependent on the "polling pool". If performed incorrectly as the dems in the US did, give inaccurate results. Same incorrect polling for CBC recently giving erroneous results. Suspect "real"results are far more slanted toward conservatives than is indicated by MSM.

Banana Eating Techniques: We await your instruction Zorpheous!

I await your comments...