I was just over at "My Blahg" where they are discussing some of the potential legislation to be introduced with a conservative government. Here's their comment thread so far:
"Well isnt that just like a Liberal, or more likely a French-Liberal. The war has barely begun and he's already surrendering!!!Labby 04.20.05 - 10:28 pm #
"...This is the socalled "Conscience Clause" that has become the conservative's new line of assault on abortion and contraception ..."Robert, in his "comments" section Gracchi distinguished between pharmacists being compelled to hand out birth control meds, and doctors being compelled to perform abortions.Do you?J Hickman Homepage 04.20.05 - 10:29 pm #
Heh heh. Good work Robert. I don't think Canadians particularily care at this point though...If Harper gets a majority, there might be a few morning after regrets from Canadian voters.CalgaryGrit Homepage 04.20.05 - 10:34 pm #
Which one of these legislative initiatives was [i]not[/i] a crib from the Republican Party's agenda? I'm having [i]déjà vu[/i] all over again.Ti-Guy 04.20.05 - 10:54 pm #
"What can I say about this other than it just goes to show how much the Conservative Party is emulating the Republican Party"Thanks for pointing that out Rube. Good! ...glad you finally figured that out.And as for encroaching on the powers of the court, double good! In guess when you have an activist, fiberal, "theft"-leaning court system, then a fiberal rube like you would want to maintain status-quo. But, in a democracy, Rube, the majority will is supposed to prevail don't you see. Why don't you busy yourself by taking a couple of poly-sci courses Rube (instead of wasting it on this useless puke-site), ...then you might learn something about how a democracy is supposed to work.Calgary Grit ...are you a fiberal shill transplanted from ontario?big momma 04.20.05 - 10:58 pm #
The only problem I have with the SSM legislation is that it does not address how to protect the rights of those that voluntarily wish to practice polygamy. Some religions encourage polygamy, so if don't make provisions for them in this bill, we are still depriving people of their rights under the Charter.OntLib 04.20.05 - 11:13 pm #
The Charter only says basically that laws have to apply to all Canadians, without discrimination. Currently, there are no laws in Canada that permit polygamous civil marriages. If the polygamists want that, they should mount a campaign.Ti-Guy 04.20.05 - 11:24 pm #
So Ti-Guy you think that all that stands in the way of supporting polygamist's rights is a challenge under the Charter? Insightful!OntLib 04.20.05 - 11:37 pm #
No, that's not what I said at all. Polygamist civil marriages are not permitted in Canada. Marriages between 2 people are. Laws that only allow marriages between only 1 man and 1 women were judged unconstitutional, because they violate the equality section of the Charter.I'm not sure what exactly what the polygamists would have to do to get the same civil marriage rights as everyone else.Ti-Guy 04.20.05 - 11:59 pm #
Understand Ti-Guy. But that law which prevents polygamy is found to violate religious freedom, then is not in violation of the Charter, and should be struck down as well? I think polygamist's have a good argument here, and since their practice does not affect me negatively in any way, we should protect their rights as well.OntLib 04.21.05 - 12:09 am # "
I was expecting it to be next but I didn't expect it soo soon.
"Well isnt that just like a Liberal, or more likely a French-Liberal. The war has barely begun and he's already surrendering!!!Labby 04.20.05 - 10:28 pm #
"...This is the socalled "Conscience Clause" that has become the conservative's new line of assault on abortion and contraception ..."Robert, in his "comments" section Gracchi distinguished between pharmacists being compelled to hand out birth control meds, and doctors being compelled to perform abortions.Do you?J Hickman Homepage 04.20.05 - 10:29 pm #
Heh heh. Good work Robert. I don't think Canadians particularily care at this point though...If Harper gets a majority, there might be a few morning after regrets from Canadian voters.CalgaryGrit Homepage 04.20.05 - 10:34 pm #
Which one of these legislative initiatives was [i]not[/i] a crib from the Republican Party's agenda? I'm having [i]déjà vu[/i] all over again.Ti-Guy 04.20.05 - 10:54 pm #
"What can I say about this other than it just goes to show how much the Conservative Party is emulating the Republican Party"Thanks for pointing that out Rube. Good! ...glad you finally figured that out.And as for encroaching on the powers of the court, double good! In guess when you have an activist, fiberal, "theft"-leaning court system, then a fiberal rube like you would want to maintain status-quo. But, in a democracy, Rube, the majority will is supposed to prevail don't you see. Why don't you busy yourself by taking a couple of poly-sci courses Rube (instead of wasting it on this useless puke-site), ...then you might learn something about how a democracy is supposed to work.Calgary Grit ...are you a fiberal shill transplanted from ontario?big momma 04.20.05 - 10:58 pm #
The only problem I have with the SSM legislation is that it does not address how to protect the rights of those that voluntarily wish to practice polygamy. Some religions encourage polygamy, so if don't make provisions for them in this bill, we are still depriving people of their rights under the Charter.OntLib 04.20.05 - 11:13 pm #
The Charter only says basically that laws have to apply to all Canadians, without discrimination. Currently, there are no laws in Canada that permit polygamous civil marriages. If the polygamists want that, they should mount a campaign.Ti-Guy 04.20.05 - 11:24 pm #
So Ti-Guy you think that all that stands in the way of supporting polygamist's rights is a challenge under the Charter? Insightful!OntLib 04.20.05 - 11:37 pm #
No, that's not what I said at all. Polygamist civil marriages are not permitted in Canada. Marriages between 2 people are. Laws that only allow marriages between only 1 man and 1 women were judged unconstitutional, because they violate the equality section of the Charter.I'm not sure what exactly what the polygamists would have to do to get the same civil marriage rights as everyone else.Ti-Guy 04.20.05 - 11:59 pm #
Understand Ti-Guy. But that law which prevents polygamy is found to violate religious freedom, then is not in violation of the Charter, and should be struck down as well? I think polygamist's have a good argument here, and since their practice does not affect me negatively in any way, we should protect their rights as well.OntLib 04.21.05 - 12:09 am # "
I was expecting it to be next but I didn't expect it soo soon.
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