
New MoonBat... Sorry Zorph...

Been having a discussion with a fella named Zorpheous off and on recently and really thought he may be worthy of paying attention to. Today I changed my mind and decided that he was worth exposing. I've left the original thread intact with the exception of his last response. I've included my ponts below each of his paragraphs. My complete assessment follows at the bottom.

Face it Richard, Canadians are fiscally Conservative (re, balance budgets, balanced spending, saving for a rainy day) and Socially Liberal (PROVIDING it governed by the first point and the programs work). The fact that Canadians are falling into line with Harper and CPC says more about the CPC party and the leadership than it does Canadians. Why? Because, when given the choice between the Liberals and CPC, Canadians view the CPC as the worse choice for Canada. So the basic problem is the message from the CPC isn’t selling with Canada, and they don’t trust the messenger either, and now we see Harper flip-flopping towards the center and reversing his policy stance on Healthcare? Just the lame ass Democrats down in the States. Zorpheous Homepage 04.30.05 - 3:07 pm #

That my new friend is the eastern attitude that we need to overcome. That attitude is why the east will continue to allow us to get screwed. It's a bloody shame.
Richard Evans Homepage 04.30.05 - 3:31 pm #

That is you own failing, not ours Richard, you write the message, select the messanger and then blame the listenner for not agreeing with you. See the Democrats down south for how this lame blame game played out.You simply can not respresent just YOUR interest, but you must also represent the maority interest of all Canadians.You claim you are getting screwed, so Richard in a clear and intelligent mannor, explain how we are "screwing" you? What as Ontario done to you that is so bad, and I make no appolgy for having greater voice in government when we have the greatest share of the population (that's the way it works)
Zorpheous Homepage 04.30.05 - 4:28 pm #

The list is long... NEP, National Wheat Board, Rejection of Elected Senators, Kyoto, provincial transfer schemes, removal/consolidation of military bases, language laws, gross overtaxation, stifiling business, hypocracy on healthcare and failure to appropriately deal with BSE are some that quickly come to mind. You know, reading your words has made me come to a realization. The attitude of the folks out east won't change. You're right. Ontario has the population and subsequently the power. As long as you keep getting the goodies you'll keep the Librals in power. You'll justify anything they do as long as they goodies keep comming.I'm going to have a few beer and figure out whether or not you've just created a seperatist.
Richard Evans Homepage 04.30.05 - 5:01 pm #

Richard as far as Kyoto goes, try think more than five feet and five minutes infront of your face. Kyoto, is a huge business opertunity for those who look further ahead than their own present. This Richard, is why people like myself lead, and people like yourself complain.

Zorph seems to think that paying 3rd world countries for "green credits" with absolutely no measurable benefit to the environment is a good thing. The Liberals have comitted 10 Billion dollars which in the real world means far more. That's tax money that the general populace will have to shell out. That's socialist "new world" thinking at it's most extreme. Steering the vessel onto the rocks is not leadership Zorph, it's suicide. Leaders like you are the reason that I'm speaking out the way I am.

Elected Senators, hey Richard, Ontario agrees with you. Method of election should be debated, I think a Prov. election/appointment system would be best, and each Prov have equal representation (two or three per)

That's right, elected Senators. Ontario agrees? Good. Then why hasn't it happened? I'll tell you why. It hasn't happened because the government elected by the ontairio people refuses to add checks and balances to the system.

Gross over taxation, yes and no Richard.

Are we not the highest taxed of all the G-7 nations? Are we getting "bang" for our buck? If the answer's anything other than a resounding yes, we're grossly over taxed.

Healthcare? Guess you missed Harper's flip flop from the Right to the Center and then one more flip flop to left today. I suggest you hold the fire to his feet over his new found "Liberal" views.

Whether Harper is flip-flopping or not is completely inacurate and irrelevant. The facts are that if any of the western provinces try to adjust their health care service provisions the feds smack them down. Everyone seems to ignore the fact that the PM himself uses a private physician or that there are numerous private clinics in Quebec that operate without any hassle at all from the Liberal government. That is HYPOCRACY. And no, don't go thinking that it's a "prime minister thing" because PM had his current arrangement long before he became PM squared.
We have illustrated several times in the "moonbat posts" how the lib-left will use prophanities when they can't make a valid argument, in this instance our subject has taken the "governments hypocracy on health care" and pointed instead to imaginary hypocracy on the part of a different individual. For the record, Harper was only restating the party's position on health care. Most of the lib-left assume that because an institution, that happens to support Conservative values releases a report, that said report is automaticaly the platform of the Conservative party. This seems to be as a result of beliving lib-left spin that they watch on television.

BSE was dealt with, but long term desease take time to clear themselves out. Hey Ottawa could hav order you guys to destroy all the cattle, problem solved. And hey what has Ralph been doing about solving the problem? Or are you bitching about the USE blocking our beef? If that's the case, take it with the neo-clowns down south.

BSE was not adequately dealt with. The federal government had plenty of oportunity to make nice with the US and get the ban lifted. Instead they chose to keep up with their Bush bashing which soiled diplomatic relations. The border was very close to being opened until Martin decided to "flip-flop" on the missile defense issue. Which was dumb because we were involved with BMD anyway through NORAD. The US is scouting radar site locations as I type. For the record, It's the Moonbats in the US that are taking the protectionist stance. Have a look at Hillary and the other dems supporting the ban.

Language Laws? Richard if you bitch any more you will need a bra. Jesus you sound like a liberal Democrat from the USE.

He's finally showing his true colors here. Derogatory comments in place of an argument. Well done zorph, that's a prize winning post over at the blagh. It is becoming ever more clear that bilingualism is one of the worst things to happen to this country because of it's divisive nature. Is the francaphone argument not mostly about language? Think about it.

Oh and I love you paper thin commitment to Canada, is this the type of leadership we should look up to?
Zorpheous Homepage 04.30.05 - 7:21 pm #

Paper thin commitment to Canada? Zorph isin't aware that I have the maple leaf tattoed on my right shoulder. Lets ask the readers about my commitment... Pipe up readers!

If one would scroll up right now they would notice a great number of points from my list that zorph couldn't/wouldn't bring up.

Zorph comes on like the "arrogant idot" we've been told to expect out of the east. Until today I was thinking that it was just a myth and that they weren't really like that. I'm hoping he's a rarity. He's been completely condescending with his attitude that "they (he) called the shots and we just have to deal with it". It is noted in one of my posts that I was considering becomming a sepratist. I've changed my mind. I've decided to keep the pressure on until people like zorph can see beyond their narsiscitic selves. Until the moonbats are all seen as the selfish parasites they are...

A conservative is one who thinks about his country. A left-winger is one who thinks about himself and uses his country for his own satisfaction. I know which I choose to be.