Cyber-Pope = Cyber-Moonbat in Disguise
In an earlier post I wrote the following in regards to a recent protest against SSM:
"Well, isn't that special! A protest consisting of thousands of people gets covered by only 2 major media outlets whereas a SNC anti-war protest earlier this month containing literally dozens of activists, gets coverage with every major news outlet. Welcome to Cannuckistan!"
A friendly fella named "Cyber-Pope" stopped in and left this comment:
"Perhaps the other protests got more coverage because because they were worthy causes, rather than a bunch of religious busy-bodies with too much time on their hands. I think there's only one reason you lot take such a big interest in what gay people do in the privacy of their own homes. It's all explained at the link below: ...glbtphobia.html
Cyber-Pope Homepage 05.25.05 - 6:15 am # "
Lets have a look at moonbat logic:
To the moonbats, a small (dozens of people) action against a company based on the fact that it legally manufactures and supplies bullets to the US military is WAY more important than a large (thousands of people) action to prevent the passing of SSM legislation right here at home.
Note to moonbats: No one gives a shit about your bullets whereas over 50% of the population wants SSM legislation done away with.
To the moonbats, anyone who speaks out against SSM legislation is a religious busy-body with too much time on their hands.
To the moonbats, anyone who speaks out against homosexuality is a homophobe and judging by the link provided, is actually a closet queer.
Note to moonbats: It's generally only those on the left that project their own inadequacies onto others. The "I think he doth protest too much" line does not work when it comes to differing opinions.
To the moonbats, it's completely acceptable to refer to yourself as a pontiff and spread anti-church venom.
Note to moonbats: I'm not religious but I think it's probably not too pretty good to go around calling yourself a Pope. You loose credibility. Credibility is further lost when you use as your homepage when it in fact is not a registered domain.
"Well, isn't that special! A protest consisting of thousands of people gets covered by only 2 major media outlets whereas a SNC anti-war protest earlier this month containing literally dozens of activists, gets coverage with every major news outlet. Welcome to Cannuckistan!"
A friendly fella named "Cyber-Pope" stopped in and left this comment:
"Perhaps the other protests got more coverage because because they were worthy causes, rather than a bunch of religious busy-bodies with too much time on their hands. I think there's only one reason you lot take such a big interest in what gay people do in the privacy of their own homes. It's all explained at the link below: ...glbtphobia.html
Cyber-Pope Homepage 05.25.05 - 6:15 am # "
Lets have a look at moonbat logic:
To the moonbats, a small (dozens of people) action against a company based on the fact that it legally manufactures and supplies bullets to the US military is WAY more important than a large (thousands of people) action to prevent the passing of SSM legislation right here at home.
Note to moonbats: No one gives a shit about your bullets whereas over 50% of the population wants SSM legislation done away with.
To the moonbats, anyone who speaks out against SSM legislation is a religious busy-body with too much time on their hands.
To the moonbats, anyone who speaks out against homosexuality is a homophobe and judging by the link provided, is actually a closet queer.
Note to moonbats: It's generally only those on the left that project their own inadequacies onto others. The "I think he doth protest too much" line does not work when it comes to differing opinions.
To the moonbats, it's completely acceptable to refer to yourself as a pontiff and spread anti-church venom.
Note to moonbats: I'm not religious but I think it's probably not too pretty good to go around calling yourself a Pope. You loose credibility. Credibility is further lost when you use as your homepage when it in fact is not a registered domain.
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