
From The Keyboards Of Moonbats...

Here are some interesting quotes I've come across lately:

"police could stand to be scaled back quite a bit, and maybe shift their focus to real criminals and not speeders or pot smokers. The day a cop goes after the real criminals, ie: the corporations and the government, is the day Ill kiss his feet. Show me a CEO being tasered and hauled away in chains by the police force and they have my support." - From Gretchen at the Green Lantern

I find it extremely interesting that Gretchen is extremely vocal "against" taser use on her website yet still advovates their use on heads of corporations. That's right, the people who build and maintain companies to employ people who pay taxes so Gretchen can live on welfare if she chooses are to be considered violent criminals in Gretchen's eyes.

"...They complain that parliament isn't working (all the libs fault of course) while it is they who are paralyzing it. I can't begin to know why SH has such a hardon for a vote today rather than next Thursday. Perhaps he has a long overdue appointment with his stylist. At any rate, now we have the PM announcing much needed Canadian help in the Darfur region. So while harper & co. have been scrambling to sabotage the government, we have the liberals scrambling to present an assistance package to refugees. Both acting out of desperation for sure, but interesting the contrast between where the two project their frustration. The liberals at their worst strike deals for childcare, cities, healthcare and global assistance. The cons at their worst (at least I hope this is their worst) pout, shut down parliament, and take the day off. Neat." - Princess Monkey (a student who's pissed that she has to pay back her student loan)

Thank You Princess Monkey. Now we know that you feel corruption should be allowed to proceed unabated.

"I am simply at a loss to comprehend anti-Gay marriage mania. I say this as someone who's been married twice, and whose first wife left him for another woman with whom she's now been happily encoupled for more than a decade (beating out the average "straight" marriage by quite a measure). Of all the stupid objections to same-sex marriage, the one I find the most annoying by far is the "argument" that same-sex marriage somehow undermines the "sanctity" of marriage..." - from the the "Continental Op" at the Red Harvest

Let me see if I've got this strait. The "Continental Op" turned his first wife gay, got divorced (not sure of the order) and now expects other people to listen to him talk about the sanctity of marriage? I'm sorry but if I'm going to get some info on what marriage means I'll be talking to my 80 year old grandparents.