
Is Harper Too Angry?

I personally don't think that either Harper or the Canadian public is near angry enough.

From the Globe and Mail:

For the past few weeks, ever since Prime Minister Paul Martin appeared on television begging for a delayed election, and Mr. Harper immediately denounced it as a "sad spectacle," the Conservative Leader seems to have been simmering.

Experts say it is important for politicians to be able to show indignation at the appropriate times, but Mr. Harper risks alienating the public with his anger.

"If somebody only operates in one gear, which is the angry mode, it can be wearying," said Paul Nesbitt-Larking, who chairs the political science department at the University of Western Ontario in London. Canadians, he said, have shown their distaste for anger in their repeated rejection of political attack ads...

Does Harper not have a right to be angr....... Aw Screw it! I was going to wax politic about how the left has turned "anger" into a bad word and uses it to further their own means... I got too pissed off to type even thinking about it. I'll try again after a BBQ and some beer....