
I've Been Banned Again

First it was Gretchen over at the Green Lantern who didn't like to have her ideas challanged. She banned me from making comments on her site and, in fact, deleted any comments that I had already posted.

Today it's a "shy little puppy" over at The Amazing Wonderdog.

It seems that the shy little puppy didn't like a comment I left on one of his posts and determined that he would perform what appears to be one of his signature smackdowns.

I was curious and figured that I'd have a look at said smackdown. The little puppy referenced my posts in regards to "protesting the protesters" and called me a "bitter, angry little man."

I'm amused. I've noticed on several occasions now that some of the lefties keep mocking my protest protest. They can't seem to let it go. That's good. It shows that it's effective. Another point of note is his use of the word "angry". It fits perfectly with today's earlier post on how those on the left use the term "angry" in an effort to maintain control. The little puppy unwittingly added weight to my theory.

Back to the ban:
Clearly what the little puppy has done is show himself for what he really is. A little puppy with a little bark putting on a show of bravado from the security of being in the house looking out through the window. Willing to bark at the big dogs but completely afraid of letting them in...
Two points on that:

  • This dog's cage is always open and,
  • Lets hope the little puppy is housebroken

Update: 10:07 my time.

It would appear that the shy little puppy is still barking from the security of his cozy little home. What he has to say is extremely telling indeed:

Richard trolls blogs in an effort to provoke arguments, which he then copies and pastes over to his blog where he adds additional comments to mock whoever he sucks into playing his game. I do not intend to let him play that game here. The decision to ban him was made before he ever posted.

Yup, guilty as charged. I take a critical look at the arguments put forward by the left and then tear them apart. It's my mandate. Question: If the decision to ban me was made long before I ever posted a comment, does that mean that the little puppy has been watching me? Am I getting a reputation that is preceeding me? Are the left-wing bloggers getting scared?

People with opposing points of view are welcome to post here, and I blogroll some of those people. Stomaching people with opposing points of view is not a problem here.

I think he's trying to convince himself that he's tolerant and accepting with that statement.

As for the protesters, it's not their behaviour I'm discussing, but the behaviour of someone who appears to be only a half-step away from running around town wearing a sandwich board that proclaims the end is nigh. Neither does suggesting that his actions speak for themselves qualify as a childish taunt.Have a nice day. Please post hate-mail below, but do try to say something halfway intelligent, and avoid the obvious straw men and red herrings - remember, the thing speaks for itself.

It really does seem to disturb my new friend that I shut down a little protest. I was using the same tactic used by those very same protesters. Could it be that the protesters are also "only a half-step away from running around town with a sandwich board that proclaims the end is nigh"? By the puppies train of thought that would in fact be the case.

One thing the little puppy doesn't understand is that it is his own words and actions that allow him to be mocked. I don't need to goad him, making him to respond to me, to make him look like a fool. He does that all on his own.

Arff-Arff little puppy!