
Jack Layton: Dupe or Dope?

From CNEWS: [NDP Leader Jack Layton, who made a deal with Martin on the budget in return for NDP support, said he's willing to wait until May 19.

"Our goal has been to get a budget adopted that really addresses people's needs," Layton said, "and we see that as the most important work going on in the House right now and we'll do everything we can to try to bring that to fruition as soon as possible.

"The budget should be accepted because it's good for Canadians on an expedited basis. We're satisfied so far that that is happening."]

Let me see if I've got this strait. Jack layton knows that "HIS new budget" won't get passed, no matter when the vote is held.

He also knows that whatever budget goes before the house will still have the corporate tax cuts attached in some shape or form which completely goes against his "napkin" bargain with the Libs.

Jack has to know that propping up the Libs and putting on a "show" of trying to make the house work in the face of the dominate parties is akin to tinkling into the wind. He refuses to allow the public to have a say in sorting this mess out so that we (the public) can put a government in place that has a chance at being effective. He fails to see that the sooner we get this over with, the sooner we can move on and really be effective, not just put on a "show" of being effective.

So the question is: Is Jack Layton a "Dupe" for believing in Martin or is he a "Dope" for not seeing what is clearly in front of him? Did he go from being a Dupe to being a Dope? Was it a lifestyle choice or was he born that way?