
More Crap From The American Psychiatric Association

It seems that the American Psychiatric Association (APA) is taking the position that SSM should be legalized...

From PlanetOut
"The American Psychological Association (APA), the largest association of psychologists in the United States, said it will take a leadership role to help repeal laws that make marriage for gay couples illegal.
The group said the fact that gay couples can't marry could psychologically harm the couples and their relationships."

It should be noted that this comes from an organization that not long ago supported and published a study saying that SEXUAL ABUSE WAS REALLY NOT HARMFUL TO CHILDREN. This work, known as the Rind Report, is being used as justification "FOR" pedophilia even though it has not passed an independant, mandatory 3rd party peer review. In fact, It has been completely debunked by that same independent 3rd party. It was shown through said peer review that the "politics" of the authors of the Rind Report completely skewed the results... The APA is still supporting (ish) the results of the initial report

Now the question I have is this: If the APA could screw-up so completely with the Rind Report, what are the odds that they're screwing up by pushing SSM? Would blindly trusting the opinion of the APA not be like blindly trusting the opinion of the CBC?

Here are some interesting links I came across while looking into this story.