

Well now, I've always been under the impression that those within the gay community were more tolerant than the rest of us because a) they constantly preach tolerance and b) they've been victims of intolerance.

Well here's post from a gay individual:

"What, Me Fundie?
the CPC is, like, totally necking with the Religious Reich now. I don't know what to think about this. I have trouble believing that anti-gay, anti-woman, anti-sex education, anti-abortion bigots like Focus on the Family could possibly have the success in moderate, socialist Canada that they have had in America. But still. This is a scary trend. If they have the pull to get nominations, they have the pull to get votes. Gear up to see fag-bashing become just as tolerated in Canadian political discourse as it is in America! Or not. Let's hope.

An, in lieu of hoping, you could always organize a protest every time one of these bastards opens his mouth.

It seriously pisses me off, the way these people continually accuse us of persecution. And then turn around and tell the world that I am an abomination on the face of God, that I have no right to marry whomever I please, and btw, women in the workplace are an abomination unto god, the baby-murdering bitches. I am also really pissed off by the phrase 'pro-family'. It should be 'pro-bigotry'. Because these people, they just live the families, yknow. Except for single parent families, families with working mothers, families with two dads or two moms, families which would rather plan themselves than live on social security, non-Xian families, Xian families which don't want to embrage their fag-hating, woman-hating fundamentalist line, and, yknow, basically, families. That's right: Pro-Family Advocates Hate Families. Plus half of them are secretly gay and the other half rape their wives in the ass.
posted by
Violet Nightshade @ 12:29 0 comments"

Wow... So many questions... Why can these individuals call each other fags where if we do it we're "gay bashing"? Does any of what this individual said sound like hate speech? Does this guy seem a little heterophobic? Could this individual be projecting with that whole "rape their wives in the ass." thing? I wonder what would happen if something like this was forwarded to the Sask. Human Rights Tribunal with a formal complaint... hmmmm

I prefer to mock the moonbats whereas SDA, Mike, Len, Adam and Angry address the larger issue of intolerance by those claiming to be tolerant and unbiased...