
Where Does One Go From Here?

My favorite moonbat agitator stopped by and left a comment:

I see you are back to your paper thin commitment to Canada again Richard. You are hardly inspiring. Anything for power right Richard, anything to get your own way and just f**k everyone else. Is Harper like this too? Is the rest of the CPC like this as well? Lead by example, and the example you set here is extremely poor (and that is being kind).
Zorpheous Homepage 05.20.05 - 8:12 am #

In a manner of speaking zorph is correct. I do have a paper thin commitment. That paper thin commitment is to his version of "Canada" though and not my own.

I refuse to support socialism. I refuse to endorse a regime that has taken away our property rights and the ability to speak freely. I will not condone an environment where the "nanny state" rules all. I do not appreciate having the government take the responsibility of raising children away from parents through excessive taxation. It pains me to see social policy dictated to the population by unelected representatives.

That is Zorph's Canada. Those of us who have woken up call Zorph's country "Cannuckistan" or "Bananada". Zorph doesn't understand that though. Zorph is one of the brain-washed sheep-people. Zorph is a model citizen of his "Canada". He is a proud"Cannuckistanian".

Zorph doesn't understand that what we're doing is not about power but about justice and freedom. Zorph and his kind would say that the American Revolution and Civil War were about power too. Zorph and his kind lack ideals and therefore can't recognize ideals when placed before them.

Zorph left his comment in regards to a previous post where I listed some options in regards to the future. Zorph, obviously emboldened by yesterday's continuation of the status quo, didn't take the time to fully understand the post. Either that or he's not bright enough... For Zorph and the other "Cannuckistanians" a clarification follows:

We have tried to institute change from within the federal system. Political corruption coupled with media bias coupled with a centralized population of "Cannuckistanians" has seen to it that change will not take place, in my opinion. We will keep fighting though. Now, failing that change at the federal level I see three options:

  • Institute the "FireWall" - Insulate the province of Alberta from the foolishness of the east. Choke off the supply of cash that feeds the insanity. Make the rest of the country understand that they need us more than we need them while maintaining a place within federation. This is what I personally would like to see happen first.
  • separation - Become the independent country of Alberta. Alberta is probably the only province in the current federation that could do it and succeed. That is option 2.
  • Move to the US - This is the last option and I use the following analogy as justification: You have a friend who's gotten into drugs and crime. The friend will not change even though you've begged and pleaded. You know that your association has already had an adverse effect on you personally and you know that continuing to associate with this friend puts you in further jeopardy. So what do you do? Do you continue to associate with this individual and put your family and career at risk or do you sever all ties? If you're a citizen of Cannuckistan (Zorph) you continue with the association. Realistically, is immigration to the US by a Cannuckistan national any different than immigration by a North Korean national? Both are leaving despotic nations are they not? The only difference I see is that Cannuckistan has better packaging.
I'm committed to the ideals of freedom and justice. I believe that the family is the cornerstone of society. I believe in responsibility and accountability in government. Those things are hard to find in Zorph's "Canada".

Paper thin commitment to your "Canada" Zorph? Absolutely. Your "Canada" sucks!

Are we setting an example? Absolutely. We're standing up to the ignorant assholes who wish to maintain the status quo inching us, ever further, toward assured destruction. And we'll keep standing up. That is what inspires people. Zorph will never see it as anything other than hostile though, because he's one if the induhviduals that is being stood up to.