
Corrupt Canadians say "Piss On The U.S. Constitution"!

Here's one for the American Readers...

This story came up yesterday, I think, over at SDA and has since been echoed on other blogs (namely my favorite girl on the right)...

Representatives working with the Canadian government apparently are trying to muzzle American Citizens when they speak out against the corruption of said Canadian government. Do you understand that? The banana republic to the north of you is attempting to silence your opinions. Here's an excerpt by David Frum as reported by "conservativelife":

"Mel Brooks once offered these succinct definitions of tragedy and comedy: "Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you fall down an open manhole."

By that definition, Canadian politics these days might seem very comical indeed. But I am counting on Americans to be less callous than the mordant Brooks--and to recognize that the events now occurring in Canada are serious, even sinister. There is though one warning I'd better immediately deliver to readers: Along with at least four other public commentators, I have recently been served with libel papers by a leading figure in this story. Because National Review is distributed in Canada, and therefore can potentially be reached by Canada's more restrictive libel law, I have to be a little circumspect in what I say here.

Two years ago, Canada's auditor-general discovered that the Liberal government in power since 1993 engaged in a massive scheme of diversion of taxpayer funds in the province of Quebec. Last year, an independent inquiry headed by Judge John Gomery began to investigate the diversion. At least $250 million (Canadian) and perhaps as much as $350 million passed through the particular government program at the center of the scandal. Some of that money ended up in the pockets of influential Liberals, allegedly including the brother of former prime minister Jean Chretien. Some was kicked back to the Liberal party and its campaign workers. The Gomery inquiry has also revealed a disturbing nexus--that's a word to which no lawyer can object--between senior figures in the Liberal party and organized crime. "

I think you folks need to be seriously outraged that these liars and thieves are trying to stifle YOUR right to free speech within YOUR own boarders.