This one stood to forward the cause of democracy and freedom. This one stood as a leader with vision and principle.

From Fox News:
"...The terrorists who attacked us — and the terrorists we face — murder in the name of a totalitarian ideology that hates freedom, rejects tolerance and despises all dissent. Their aim is to remake the Middle East in their own grim image of tyranny and oppression — by toppling governments, driving us out of the region, and exporting terror,.."
"...Iraq is the latest battlefield in this war. Many terrorists who kill innocent men, women and children on the streets of Baghdad are followers of the same murderous ideology that took the lives of our citizens in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania. There is only one course of action against them: to defeat them abroad before they attack us at home,.."
"...The terrorists — both foreign and Iraqi — failed to stop the transfer of sovereignty. They failed to break our coalition and force a mass withdrawal by our allies. They failed to incite an Iraqi civil war. They failed to prevent free elections. They failed to stop the formation of a democratic Iraqi government that represents all of Iraq’s diverse population. And they failed to stop Iraqis from signing up in large numbers with the police forces and the army to defend their new democracy,.."
This one stood to forward the cause of socialism and oppression. This one is not a leader as his vision is clouded and he has no principle.
"...(This) is about the Charter of Rights," Prime Minister Paul Martin said earlier Tuesday.
"We are a nation of minorities. And in a nation of minorities, it is important that you don't cherry-pick rights. "
"A right is a right and that is what this vote tonight is all about..."
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