
A Note:

This is the first post of the day and I'm doing it at 10:30pm. Today is father's day and I promised myself that I'd spend it reminding myself why I'm a father. More importantly, I wanted to spend it being a dad...

I did that. I took my boy fishing... got frustrated, raised my voice, fell in the water, laughed, showed him what dams do to prevent the flood water from cresting (way too "up-close" in mom's opinion - I got some cool pics though), drank beer, built a "thingy" from scratch...

I hope all of the dads out there took the time to remember why it is that you do what you do.

Tomorrow is dedicated to kicking lib-left tail. Today it was all about bieng a dad.

Note to moonbats: Being a dad is different than being a father. Spending time with your kids should not be something you tolerate every other weekend.