
Some interesting quotes...

It's petty I know but there isin't much news and it is after all, "Mock the MoonBats Day"

Mike from Rational Reasons typed:

"Well, Richard, you are correct, that is the law. Hmm it seems silly that the law says straight teenagers are allowed to engage consentual sexual relations at 14 but gays can't do it 'til they are 18. "

When I snuck back onto her blog, Gretchen from The Green Lantern Wrote:

"Nice to see you rotating your IP address to work around your ban here, Richard. How old are you again?Nevermind, it's not important. Feel free to continue spending your summer Friday nights trolling my blog, looking for attention. I'll just read the trail of shit you smear, shake my head in pity, and mop up the mess.Hope you work out whatevers wrong with your life someday.all my best,-gretchen"

- Note: I was surfin' on my blackberry. Didn't even know that I was sneakin'... Have no intention of figuring out how to change ip's just to question Ms. Gretchen on her batty posts...

When I "snuck" back onto the wonderpuppy's site he said:


- Note: That means that he deleted my question regarding his current post without any sort of a response.

Edward T Bear said: (paraphrased, my own words)

"Waah, waah! The liberal blogs aren't high enough in the TTLB ranking system! Someone needs to look into this"