
The TRUTH Behind The SSM Debate

Last week I was listening to a local talk-radio show where a caller tried to explain why we're having so much trouble with the SSM debate. The caller didn't explain it very well so I'm going to take a shot at it.

The essence of the callers remarks were that unless we looked at the "truth" behind the SSM issue we would not be able to defeat the proponents. Fair enough. Here's an analogy to put that in perspective:

We've placed our hand into a fire and are feeling the burning as a result. In this case the burning is:

  • an erosion of civil and religious rights - forced acceptance of the gay lifestyle.

  • having the door opened for polygamy

  • having the door opened for pedophilia

  • an erosion of the family as the cornerstone of our society.

The truth or root cause of those issues though, is that we have made the decision to hold our hand to the flames in the first place. The fire is homosexuality and the act of holding our hand to it is equated with our acceptance and embrace of their lifestyle.

We complain about the burning (symptoms) yet do nothing about the source. This is the point the caller was trying to make. We need to speak out against homosexuality itself.

We need to either a) extinguish the flame or b) pull our hand away. Only then will the burning stop.

I know that there'll be moonbats who want to debate the symptoms and you're welcome to it. In order to mock you in a proper manner, there will be seperate posts on each of them over the next day or so. Please be patient.