Wanna Crash A Party?
From the mail bag:
"--- begin forwarded text Date: Sat, 25 Jun 2005 10:50:57 -0600 From: Julie Hrdlicka <canesica@telus.net> Organization: CANDIL- Canada Democracy and International Law I will be on cbc (AM1010) Wild Rose Forum on Monday June 27th 1-2pm discussing my recent trip to Iraq. Please feel free to call in and voice your opinion and thoughts on this important issue. ...
UPCOMING PRESENTATION: "BACK FROM BAGHDAD" Julie Hrdlicka, Executive Director of CANDIL (Canada, Democracy and International Law), a human rights organization based in Calgary, has just returned from a two-week trip to Iraq. Julie witnesses much destruction, violence, and fear under the government, occupation and the insurgency, which exists in Iraq today. Julie will be discussing how the war and occupation continues to affect the lives of Iraqi citizens. Julie and the delegation were among very few westerners who stayed outside the US protected Greenzone. Because of this, Julie has brought back insight that is unique as she was able to talk directly to Iraqi's about some of the difficulties they face under the current violent environment.
Tuesday June 28, 2005 At the Scarboro United Church (134 Scarboro Avenue SW) Starting at 7:30 PM
No charge for the event but we will be accepting donations at the door For more info call 270-9669. http://www.candil.ca/ --- end forwarded text"
Like I said: Anyone want to crash the party and ask some of the real tough questions?
"--- begin forwarded text Date: Sat, 25 Jun 2005 10:50:57 -0600 From: Julie Hrdlicka <canesica@telus.net> Organization: CANDIL- Canada Democracy and International Law I will be on cbc (AM1010) Wild Rose Forum on Monday June 27th 1-2pm discussing my recent trip to Iraq. Please feel free to call in and voice your opinion and thoughts on this important issue. ...
UPCOMING PRESENTATION: "BACK FROM BAGHDAD" Julie Hrdlicka, Executive Director of CANDIL (Canada, Democracy and International Law), a human rights organization based in Calgary, has just returned from a two-week trip to Iraq. Julie witnesses much destruction, violence, and fear under the government, occupation and the insurgency, which exists in Iraq today. Julie will be discussing how the war and occupation continues to affect the lives of Iraqi citizens. Julie and the delegation were among very few westerners who stayed outside the US protected Greenzone. Because of this, Julie has brought back insight that is unique as she was able to talk directly to Iraqi's about some of the difficulties they face under the current violent environment.
Tuesday June 28, 2005 At the Scarboro United Church (134 Scarboro Avenue SW) Starting at 7:30 PM
No charge for the event but we will be accepting donations at the door For more info call 270-9669. http://www.candil.ca/ --- end forwarded text"
Like I said: Anyone want to crash the party and ask some of the real tough questions?
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