
Another Liberal Attack

The "real" numbers for the CPC and Steven Harper must be rising. Why esle would the Liberals be calling for Harper's removal?

"Eleven-point Liberal poll lead has observers pointing fingers at Harper"

Think about it... If you knew that your oponent was "in the tank", would you really call for him to change his tactics?

Well, you would if you were a sportsman but can we really call these individuals sportsmen?

Lets have a look at the pollster:

The polling firm is called Pollara.
"The whole thing is Stephen Harper at this stage," said Michael Marzolini, who was a longtime Liberal pollster.
"Liberal support is artificially high now because of him. If the Conservatives didn't have this hamstring around them . . . they would be in the high 40s in the polls."
"A Brian Mulroney type of Conservative leader would have Conservatives in the 50s right now."

(emphasis mine)

What would happen if we bought into this crap and removed Harper? Complete disarray. If I were a Liberal, That's what I'd want to see...