Credit where Credit Is Due
Enviro-Nuts and bureaucrats responsible for the loss of the Space Shuttle Columbia in 2003. Bureaucrats responsible for damage to shuttle currently floating above us.
The story goes like this:
- Protective insulating foam used on shuttle used to contain Freon.
- Enviro-Nuts whined and complained about Freon use.
- NASA gave in to the Enviro-Nuts and removed Freon from the foam.
- NASA saw a dramatic increase in foam failure (as a direct result of the change) and damage to heat-shield tiles as they were being hit by flying foam.
- NASA bureaucrats, warned internally about the problem, refused to start using Freon again. They did this even though they were given a specific exemption under EPA regulations.
To summarize: NASA chose a path based on political correctness. That path got 7 people vaporized when they tried to re-enter the atmosphere back in 2003. Their refusal to change their path has another shuttle crew in jeopardy.
All to please the sandal-wearing, tiedyed patchoulie stinking, frog licking, tree hugging HIPPIE FREAKS...
Mike's Noise has the full scoop...
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