
From The Mouths Of Morons

Off "my thread" on the Babble BBS. This discussion is centered around using "torture" to get information out of the terrorists at Gitmo. Bear in mind that the torture consists of making them wear women's underwear. I agree with it. The MoonBats do not.

My comments are in brackets.

From a 34 year old male named Adiaphora who lives in Saskatoon.

"The efficacy of torture...
Wow. It is hard to believe that anyone would actually stand up for this idea."

(It's not hard to believe Amigo. You just have to come out of your bubble more often)

I have had some experience with ostrasicism and the effects of social torture and I can safely say that it had no positive effects. It did not make me want to give up any info or ground that I had not already given up. It only served to further isolate and harden the positions that had placed me outside the group doing the torture. Torture is sadly typical of the action movie morality that tries to justify this type of thing.

(Let me see if I've got this strait... No one would play with you when you were younger and you're equating that to "torture"? Is that correct? Are you gay? Are you ugly or do you stink? I think it would be safe to say that if I acted like the complete pussy that you appear to be, my friends wouldn't have allowed me to hang around either. Suck it up princess.)

It is the worst sort of rationalization, a desparate effort to justify horrible behaviour that is designed to dehumanize the target and make it all right for some moral leper to act vengefully. Torture is about inflicting pain to try to salve one's own pain.

(By your definition, you idiots would be guilty of the exact same things with your posts within this conversation thread. Give your freakin head a shake. )

It has very little to do with intelligence gathering and more to do with evil acts wrapped up in a skewed morality intended to "make things right" by doing wrong.

(NewsFlash: Michael Moore is not a real journalist and regurgitating his dogma does not serve you well. I will ask the question again: "Are you suggesting that we invite them for tea and crumpets? Do you think that once they've joined us in the sitting room that they'll just confess everything? Tell us all we need to know? Good grief... They need motivation and the best motivation is a cessation of the pain and humiliation... They remain in custody until the info is checked out. If it's accurate the torture stops for good. If it's inaccurate, the torture resumes until the info becomes accurate... See how that works?")

I guess the moral midgets that espouse this crap must have skipped sunday school the day they taught the whole concept of loving your enemy.

(For some reason I don't think you're an individual who should be quoting scripture.)

From a lovely [sic] lady named Nikita who has a blog called "Narcissim at it's Finest"

And yes, the torture-defence was disgusting. It upset me to the point of tears to imagine that someone could calmly sit at their computer and actually write that. Some people might do it out of provocation but the sad thing is, I think this guy is serious.

(Wow, you MoonBats sure cry a lot. Anyway... You're correct princess. I really do advocate making grown men wear women's underwear in order to gain information that will save innocent lives. Oh, Nakita, Could you please tell us what type of underwear you prefer? Women's or men's?)

Here's one from the Vansterdam Kid

You know I wonder if those types of indivduals even have the skill of being able to self-acess their own beliefs? I doubt it though. It's sad really, the way that they seem to think such things are okay. How some people can be so filled with hate like those people...wow. And how some people can go and embaress themselves, with their real name no doubt, all over the net, it's astounding.

(If you keep self-accessing like that dude you'll go blind. I don't have a problem with using my real name VK. You see when you're honest and accurate and not doing anything unethical one doesn't have to hide behind a false name. Do you understand that "VANSTERDAM KID"? You should try it some day. It's quite liberating.)