It's Official...
It's going to take some time to give my weekend adventure with babble the write-up it deserves but we can start with this:
My New Friend Mr. Goo
Part way into the thread someone said: "Hey! He said "blog"! Send in Magoo!"
Someone else piped up with: "Yeah, where is Magoo? He was supposed to spell me a half hour ago. "
So I thought to myself that "...this Magoo fella must be one of their heavy hitters. This could be interesting..."
Magoo showes up and states:
"Big props to Richard for successfully infiltrating babble! Who else but a cunning and clever conservative would have a hotmail address, and a browser that supports cookies?
But now you're in the belly of the beast, Richard, and the scales are still covering my eyes! Instead of waking me up to the real truth, you're standing around jerkin' the gherkin. You promised your audience an attack, Richard, but so far all you've managed has been a thin and weary defense of Stephen Harper, an obligatory tinfoil hat reference, and some pasty rebuttals that make the jokes on my Dixie Cup look like Oscar Wilde.
Are you going to detonate the explosives and blow this place or what?"
Well a guy can't let that go unanswered...
"mR. Magi... um... magic... um gooo... magoo... that's it... Magoo! Mr. Magoo: The only gerkin I see jerkin around here is yours. Please note that if you don't stop it you'll go blind... either that or get blisters... one or the other... To which attack are you refering Mr. goo? (wow, that seems somehow fitting...) and no, I don't have explosives... I figured I'd play your game for a while... see what the power of erosion can accomplish... "
Magoo countered...
"You want your loyal readers to come here and see this kind of half-assed, limp, phoned-in drooble?
You're eroding your dignity. "
Dignity? Do I look like someone with dignity? lol
"As a matter of fact I do Magoo. My words were chosen very carefully and if you'd care to know why you'll have to check my blog later this evening."
Big 'ol Mr. Magoo never typed in the thread again...
Here's the big secret (pay attention Magoo because you're being exposed):
Mr. Magoo is just like the wizard of Oz and, as such, is all about the perception of power.
It started with the veiled build-up to his arrival. Reference others commenting on him but not giving any other info. ie, "we're off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of oz... "
The perception of power was carried through his post.
"Big props to Richard for successfully infiltrating babble! Who else but a cunning and clever conservative would have a hotmail address, and a browser that supports cookies?"
That statement was designed to put me off balance due to the fact that he knew "things" about me. ooooohhh scary... In reality, that's crap that anyone can dig up.
He continued by trying to frame himself as larger than life with the following:
"But now you're in the belly of the beast, Richard, and the scales are still covering my eyes!"
Just like the ol' wizard's hologram in the palace. (Someone's spent too much time playing dungeons and dragons methinks.) He continues...

"Instead of waking me up to the real truth, you're standing around jerkin' the gherkin."
Why do moonbats always make it "all about them"? Where did anyone state that I was there for him? At this point Magoo attempts to "set the hook" as it were by using a subtle demand.
Here's how the demand works: If you tell an individual that you had expected something from them they will feel obliged to perform even though they really may not be obliged to do so... Hence the control and power. It's human nature. There's a little experement at the bottom of the post for those who want to try it. Anyway, moving on...
He continues with his demands in typical bully fashion:
"You promised your audience an attack, Richard, but so far all you've managed has been a thin and weary defense of Stephen Harper, an obligatory tinfoil hat reference, and some pasty rebuttals that make the jokes on my Dixie Cup look like Oscar Wilde.
Are you going to detonate the explosives and blow this place or what?"
Oh no, he knows more "things" about me.
Well we can't allow this to continue.
What's rule number 1 when dealing with a bully? Stand up to him.
So I did. With this:
"mR. Magi... um... magic... um gooo... magoo... that's it... Magoo! Mr. Magoo: The only gerkin I see jerkin around here is yours. Please note that if you don't stop it you'll go blind... either that or get blisters... one or the other... To which attack are you refering Mr. goo? (wow, that seems somehow fitting...) and no, I don't have explosives... I figured I'd play your game for a while... see what the power of erosion can accomplish..."
End result: Deflation with humor and the typical moonbat response where he attacks the oponent without relating to the topic at hand (at least I referenced the points in his post with my response):
"You want your loyal readers to come here and see this kind of half-assed, limp, phoned-in drooble?
You're eroding your dignity. "
I think he's beginning to realize that he doesn't have control. Time to cement that fact:
"As a matter of fact I do Magoo. My words were chosen very carefully and if you'd care to know why you'll have to check my blog later this evening."
Mission complete. The curtains have been drawn back and the wizard has been exposed for what he is... A bully who uses cheap trickery to puff himself up. (click the pic, there's audio...)
Pleased to meet you Mr. Wizard.
Does this story have a moral?
I think so, post your thoughts in the comments section.
Now for the experiment.
When your date comes into the room with a drink or a snack ask them "where's mine?"
More often than not the conversation will go something like this:
you: "where's mine?"
date: "your what?"
you: "my drink."
date: "you never said you wanted one."
you: "well you were up, you could have asked."
at this point the date begins to feel obligated...
date: "I'm sorry, would you like me to get you one?"
date: "here, you can share mine."
you (please think this part to yourself...): "You're my slave now!"
That and many more mind tricks just like it from "Get Anyone To Do Anything And Never Feel Powerless Again" written by the NY times best selling author David J. Lieberman, PH.D.
Kate has a great piece up right now about censorship, dissent and control. It ties in perfectly with my experiences over the weekend.
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