The Lesbians and "ugly, angry" women (AKA feminists, AKA Fem-Qaida, AKA Gal-Qaida AKA Hillary Clinton) have done their best to convince women that they don't need men.
It's aparently working!
Only problem is that the emasculated, vaginized little whimps they created (modern men) have now decided that they really don't need women either.
Behold: The "Female Android"!

No more nagging...
No more being told how to dress...
No more worries about the condom breaking...
No more worries about having your date pretend to swallow your seed, get artificially inseminated by it and then suing your lame ass for child support...
I can see it all now...
A future where the only sexual contact between real humans will be between lesbians and gays... They'll be the only ones allowed to get married because androids don't have rights... AwCrap, wait a minute... too many "after work" beer... What the heck was this post about again?
Right! Ok, remember how the internet got started and the geeks used it primarily for porn? Do you really think the geeks building the robots are going to do anything different?
Please note that I myself am a geek, albeit a married geek and the rumors about looking at porn are just that, rumors. Honey, if you're reading this, please don't check the browser history... oopsie... I meant herstory...
[Alright, I have to admit that all that was just a big build-up to see if anyone caught the fact that a female physician blew a male physician, pretended to swallow the seed, artificially inseminated herself with the seed, had the baby and is now suing the poor schlep for support...
It was to confusing to work but way too amusing to delete... please forgive.
Note: The android thing is kind of cool no?]
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