
Outing another Moonbat

Can someone please explain what exactly this statement means?

"Picture a conservative politicians dream demographic. I live in Harper's own Calgary SouthWest riding. I'm an upper middle class, white, christian, family man and homeowner with traditional values. I voted Liberal in the last election because my traditional values include freedom, tolerance, caring and peace."

Is this individual saying that he's a conservative in all respects with the exception of valuing freedom, tolerance caring and peace? Is he inferring that conservatives don't value those things?

This individual says he has traditional values. A quick look at his blog shows that he has the traditional value of supporting same sex marriage, frog-licking environmentalism and backing the corrupt liberal party of Cannuckistan.

Sorry amigo, you're not a "conservative politician's dream demographic". Nope, you're a MoonBat. Please refrain from using the term conservative when describing yourself in the future. You're getting it all dirty.