

No, I'm not off my rocker. I'm not bitter or being vindictive. There is a rational reason behind my pursuit of Rabble and it's sounding board Babble. That rationalization is as follows:

There was a time when blacks were not allowed to mix with whites. First the public institutions had to change. Then the private institutions were forced to change. They were told that they had no choice but to allow blacks into their ranks. Today you'll be hard pressed to find a white that is comfortable walking through a predominately black neighborhood.

There used to be men's clubs. The feminists fixed that. They forced their way in. These private institutions were told that they had no choice but to admit women. Men are not allowed into women's clubs even after court challenges.

The Cubs and Scouts used to be for boys only. Again the PC police fixed the problem. The scouts, another private organization was forced to admit girls. Boys are not allowed into the girl guides / girl scouts again, after various court challenges.

Private Christian schools are forced to hire / retain gay teachers against their will. Have you heard of a Christian teacher even thinking of applying for a job at a gay school?

Canadian society is forced to change it's definition of marriage to suit a minority of homosexuals. The same gay community now seeks to destroy the very institution that it wanted to be a part of.

One of these things I agree with, the rest I don't. All were actions taken by those on the left in the name of being tolerant and inclusive. All ended up in an extreme form of hypocrisy. Tolerance is the "official" Canadian religion.
It would appear though that tolerance and the concept of being inclusive are pushed by the left only when it suits their needs. When it fits with their agenda.
If you don't fit their agenda then "screw you".
That's the message that I got this weekend when I joined a lib-left discussion group and was summarily banned from publishing any of my conservative ideas.
"Screw You!" The message was clear.
I wasn't able to do anything about the hypocrisies noted above. I can do something about this. I'm going to push the issue.
I understand that Rabble is a private organization and that they are allowed to set their own rules.
Restaurants in the deep south were private organizations. The scouts is a private organization. Men's clubs are private organizations. Churches are private organizations. All have been forced to bend to the will of the politically correct.
Babble calls itself a public forum:
  • "rabble.ca is a public, progressive news and information source. As part of rabble, this message board (babble) was created to ensure that readers/participants could explore any issues of interest and concern"
It's time the PC police were policed themselves. It's time they were forced to be as inclusive as they've demanded of us.
It's time Rabble took control of that dungeon of hatred and rained in the neo-fascist scare mongers. Those who hate because of a simple difference of opinion.
We've seen activities like mine gain momentum and effectiveness recently. Protest Warrior has been effective at providing balance during lib-left "actions". Perverted Justice.com has started to take back the web making children safe from pedophiles. The list goes on.
The lib-left has put the framework in place which, ironically, can be used to keep the lib-left in check. We've just been afraid to use it.
Today I'm standing up. I'm calling BULLSHIT!
I'm going to continue with my human rights complaint against Rabble and their soundboard "Babble".
They claim to support "Free Speech". I'd like to see if they mean it. At the very least we're (meaning ME, and you if you want to help) going to show the left for what it really stands for. Hypocrisy.
Remember folks, "we can't cherry-pick rights".