The Time for Testicular Fortitude Has Arrived.

In the Cannuckistan world there are three sides to the political wheel. On one side, you have the left,on the opposite side you have the right, and directly in the middle of the wheel you have the moderates or centrists. I make no bones about where my political allegiances lie. I am a staunch right wing conservative and have been since I escaped the clutches of the liberal elitist university milieu. I don't regret my time in this left wing propaganda machine, rather, it has enabled me to understand and empathize with the brain washed automatons that are unknowingly being subjected to the forced sterilization process known as 'Political Correctness'.
Ok, so we've covered the right side of the tire, the left side of the tire, now comes the middle 'traction' portion. This portion of the tire must meet all of the potholes and irregularities in the path. I like to call it the mushy middle, because it has no allegiance but knows only to accomodate to the prevailing conditions. I believe most citizens in the land of Cannuckistan lay their political gumption here.
Alright. Through the preamble I believe I have established my affinity for pragmatism.
This is where I cut to the chase.
A recent commenter/blogger by the handle of Andy, has chosen to take acception with a post I have written. I take no offence to this, and infact, welcome the debate. Can everyone say with me: 'Welcome Andy!'
Let us begin.
~Canada is not like a house. It is, though, a country. See how he immediately excludes those who normally disagree with him from the conversation. Nice bullying tactic there, Hoss. Have you ever heard of someone bumping into an epiphany? Richard, I would like to introduce you to the English Language--English Language, this is the guy that I was telling you about. Call me later!
First, let me establish that my name is Jeff, not Richard. Second, I sense a disconnect between Andy's sense of metaphorical vs literal. If you are a literalist, Canada is most certainly a country. If you are a metaphorical writer, Canada could most certainly be defined as a 'House'.
Again, 'bumping into an epiphany' is another of those 'blindingly obvious' metaphors I like to use. Confusing stuff for a literalist, I'm sure.......
Oh my goodness...could this be Richie's immigration policy? How coy of him to dress it up in child-like allegory. Even on the surface of his rather juvenile "roommate" scenario, the concept of guest is misapplied. Anytime that I've had (or have been, for that matter--with a few exceptions--sorry 'bout that, Liam!!!) a roommate, rent was paid. They stop being "guests" after that. So, to follow the migraine-inducing reasoning of Mr. Evans, even if immigrants pay taxes, they don't really count as residents. If only he could make all of his pronouncements "sans verbosity", they would be infinitely more readable.
Very acute reasoning and sense of deduction Andy seems to have. Immediately, he has deduced that my parable was, infact, a simple allegorical statement on my views towards immigration and resident status. 'Child-like'.......I suppose parables are childlike, indeed. Don't want to exclude anyone from understanding my intentions. 'The concept of guest is misapplied'.......
In my house, a guest is not exempt from 'visitor status' until he has lived in my house for enough time that I know he is used to me and has adapted to the way I operate. He doesn't have to agree with me, but he must prove him/herself to be reliable, consistent, honest, hardworking, and responsible. Until such time, I consider a newcomer in my house.....a guest. 'even if immigrants pay taxes, they don't really count as residents'...... Correct, inasmuch as their reliability and commitment to my household remains in probationary status.
Listen, I'm sure this blog has become tedious enough, so allow me to wrap this up.
Andy has reasons and experiences that make him the person he is today. That is fine. Without Andys, I'd have nothing to write about. But here is the clincher:
I have no patience for those that wish to wuss out now that we have arrived at the 'station' of our future. We are not living in the 1950s anymore. It's time for a serious reality reassessment and an iron fist approach to the 'nationalist', 'fundamentalist'.....'terrorist' realities that we face, today.... It is time for men to step up to the plate as their forefathers chose to do in days of yore.
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