Time to Trim Some Fat off the Bacon.

The hive of hypocrisy has been buzzing again, and this time, a little socialist comrade by the handle of 'Slim Bacon' has decided to lay a stinging rebuke towards Israel and the Zionist Movement. His claims are outlandish and dangerous, and I shall swat him down and step on him like the bothersome nuisance that he is.
Zionism is a Jewish movement to re-create the ancient Jewish state of Isreal. Who they displace or push out of the holyland (a holyland that is home to three different religions) in the process is of no concern to them.
This is a priceless statement. S.B actually wants us to believe that Israel is so rutheless and barbaric in their approach to the Palestinian people, that they have 'no concern' for who they push out. If this was the case, why wouldn't they finish the job and push them all out, or attempt to end their existence completely? Could it be that Israel is not the evil lynchpin of the American oppressors, that the left continues to pretend it is? Could it be that Israeli-Arabs have it better under a democratic Israeli governance, than their brothers in Syria, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia? Yes. The answer is yes they do have it better than their Arabic brothers living under the Islamic flag of submission.(warning- this link is gruesome and may not be suitable for those with a queasy stomach).
In reality this is just one clear example of the mistakes committed by the British in their time of imperialistic decline.
Again, we see the atypical bashing and blame game that the left is so fond of perpetuating......this time pinning the blame on 'imperialistic' Britian. This almost sounds like agitprop straight out of the handbooks of Pol Pot and company, but it's not. It's just the normal view of today's Cannuckistanian Liberal.
To the average Palistinian the conflict has very little to do with religion. It's a matter of equal representation and freedom in their homeland.
Sadly, it is with this last brain fart pronouncement from S.B., that I must pull up my pant leg, lift my knee high in the air, and swiftly stomp on the buzzing menace as it lays squirming in it's own arrogant bile. Again, we are reminded that suicide bombings and the continual breaking of peace agreements and signed treaties, is just a simple matter of the Palestinian people wishing for 'equal representation and freedom in their homeland'. Gee, if that's all it is about, why don't we see Tibetans strapping up or how about native Americans? Not about religion? Your right, let's just call it jihad then, shall we? This kind of terrorist, nationalist, religious fundamentalist activity has been seen across all nations from Muslim extremists.
Btw, don't you think the word 'Bacon' may be offensive to the Palestinian cause, S.B?
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