Consider This
You, as an individual, have to take a journey across an ocean. When you reach the other shore, you'll find riches that can't be described. There are three methods of crossing available to you. It is requested that you pick one.
In order to make your decision, you need to know the following:
Your options are as follows:
1. Jump into the water and swim.
There's a certin sense of freedom associated with this option. However, there is no protection from the sharks. You don't know if you can swim the distance.
2. You can take the Ugly Orange Boat
The Ugly Orange Boat has some drawbacks though:
3. You can take the Pretty White Boat.
Now, consider this:
You have to make the same journey. You have the same choices in how you're going to get across. Only this time, advocates for the Pretty White Boats are explaining the rules to you. They won't let you listen to anyone else. They purposly forget to tell you about the Ugly Orange Boat "option". They minimize the risks associated with the Pretty White Boats. They leave you to decide, essentially, between their "image" of their favorite boat and the certian death of swimming.
How do you feel about the folks pushing the Pretty White Boats? Disgusted?
Now lets go back to reality.
Earlier you were asked to decide which method you'd choose. Has your choice changed now that the perspective is a little different? Be honest, the only person you're fooling is yourself.
Lets look at the people advocating the Pretty White Boats for a minute. These are people that are generally ashamed of their choices and want you and I to join them so they don't feel so bad about themselves (I speak from experience on that one). They're the folks at the UN who wish to promote promescuity over abstenance to curb the AIDS eppedimic. They're the lib-left educators who are developing and teaching the sex-ed classes at your kids school. They're the people that support abortion on demand, as a method of birth control. They're the gay lobby.
Now that we've gone from the hypothetical to the realistic, are you still disgusted with the people advocating the Pretty White Boats? Again, be honest.
Those of you that click on this page regularly know that I'm not prone to preaching and that me and that "Bible thingy" arent on a speaking basis. What I've presented above is an argument based on logic. You made the decision as to which boat to take based on the same. No religion involved.
It's understood that most of us have taken the Pretty White Boats and we can't change the past. No one's saying that you should, given the chance. What I am saying is that we have a decision to make. Are we going to be like the advocates of the Pretty White Boats and provide people (our children and the folks in Africia) with limited information? Limited options? Is it fair to put complete strangers on another continant at risk because we don't want to admit that our own choices may not have been the best?
Sheila and Chimera go beyond being advocates of the white boats. They appear to be sales people. I've asked them the following question: "Do you charge for those test drives? You seem to have a vested interest in lettin folks have nookie all willy-nilly..."
The response I've gotten back from the both of them is: "You're an A$$hole".
Fair enough but the question was asked for a very specific reason. I would like to know exactly why it is that those individuals refuse to promote abstenance as the best method of preventing pregnancies and STD's. What's their motivation? Are they being paid? Are they delusional and just can't comprehend that there are other options? Are they so completely governed by the stirring of their loins that it clouds their judgement?
Note to Sheila and Chimera:
In case you still don't get it here's another anology:
Your child is drowning in the bath tub. Instead of encouraging her to sit up, to get out of the water, you're holding her down and trying to stick a straw in her mouth so she can breath.
For christ' sake, you two twits need to get the child out of the water.
In order to make your decision, you need to know the following:
- Each of the options given to you, the individual, comes at no financial cost to yourself.
- The waters of this ocean are shark infested.
- Your survival depends on the choice that you, the individual, make. There is no recovery from an error, no reset button and no do-overs.
- If you're bitten by a shark, you loose some of the reward on the other side.
Your options are as follows:
1. Jump into the water and swim.
There's a certin sense of freedom associated with this option. However, there is no protection from the sharks. You don't know if you can swim the distance.
2. You can take the Ugly Orange Boat
- It's guaranteed not to sink and has a compass that's true.
- It'll get you to the other side intact, and none the worse for wear.
- There are no errors that can be made operating this vessel.
- Even though it has it's drawbacks, the Ugly Orange Boat has stood the test of time. It's reliability has been proven through the ages.
- You are shown how to build and maintain this boat yourself, both of which require very little effort.
The Ugly Orange Boat has some drawbacks though:
- First and most notably is it's appearance. It's ugly. Everyone else, not in an orange boat themselves, points at you and laughs.
- It's completely constructed of wood. Knotty Pine. The seats are all wood, the floors are all wood the cot is all wood. It's functional but not very comfortable.
- It's an open air design and provides very little protection against the weather.
3. You can take the Pretty White Boat.
- This vessel is designed and constructed by others.
- The Pretty White Boat is decked out in oak and brass. There's plush carpeting from stem to stern. All of the seats are leather with mahogany trim. The cot is made from the finest down.
- This boat is a closed cabin design that provides comfort when bad weather strikes.
This boat also has some drawbacks:
- It's not always constructed properly and doesn't always float. You will not find out until you have it in open water and you need to be aware that the initial failure rate is approximately 15%. The odds of failure increase exponentially with the length of time spent on this vessel.
- The navagation system is prone to failure. It'll rarely point you to the other shore. More often than not, it'll point you to other Pretty White Boats and sometimes it'll point you to swimmers. Collisions have been known to take place. Another result of this poor navagation system is that it'll leave you out on the ocean longer than you need to be.
- This boat is addictive. If you're lucky enough to reach the other shore and claim your treasure, it'll be tainted. Instead of enjoying your new reward, you'll be yearning to be back on the boat.
- The success rate of this vessel has not been accurately calculated. It is known though, to be around the 50% mark.
Which method of crossing do you choose? Think about it for a minute and keep your choice in mind. If you'd like, you can click on your choice and see the results of your journey.
Now, consider this:
You have to make the same journey. You have the same choices in how you're going to get across. Only this time, advocates for the Pretty White Boats are explaining the rules to you. They won't let you listen to anyone else. They purposly forget to tell you about the Ugly Orange Boat "option". They minimize the risks associated with the Pretty White Boats. They leave you to decide, essentially, between their "image" of their favorite boat and the certian death of swimming.
How do you feel about the folks pushing the Pretty White Boats? Disgusted?
Now lets go back to reality.
- The ocean is your sexuality.
- The treasure on the other shore is your "life partner" (I'm using the moonbat term so maybe they'll understand it. Normal people may feel free to use the terms "husband or wife".)
- The sharks are STD's and unwanted pregnancies.
- The swimmers are those who fully immerse themselves in their sexuality without regard to the risks (Homosexuals, pedophiles, swingers and those who practice beastiality are some examples)
- The Pretty White Boats are piloted by people who are not much smarter than the swimmers. They take the same risks with the exception of using foams, condoms, diaphrams and other modern methods of protection even though these methods are not entirely effective. They delude themselves because of the comfort, the pleasure of their boats. Their treasure, if and when they get it, is tainted. More often than not, they'll delude themselves into thinking that it isin't. We know the truth though. Most of us have taken the Pretty White Boats.
- The Ugly Orange Boat is abstenance.
Earlier you were asked to decide which method you'd choose. Has your choice changed now that the perspective is a little different? Be honest, the only person you're fooling is yourself.
Lets look at the people advocating the Pretty White Boats for a minute. These are people that are generally ashamed of their choices and want you and I to join them so they don't feel so bad about themselves (I speak from experience on that one). They're the folks at the UN who wish to promote promescuity over abstenance to curb the AIDS eppedimic. They're the lib-left educators who are developing and teaching the sex-ed classes at your kids school. They're the people that support abortion on demand, as a method of birth control. They're the gay lobby.
Now that we've gone from the hypothetical to the realistic, are you still disgusted with the people advocating the Pretty White Boats? Again, be honest.
Those of you that click on this page regularly know that I'm not prone to preaching and that me and that "Bible thingy" arent on a speaking basis. What I've presented above is an argument based on logic. You made the decision as to which boat to take based on the same. No religion involved.
It's understood that most of us have taken the Pretty White Boats and we can't change the past. No one's saying that you should, given the chance. What I am saying is that we have a decision to make. Are we going to be like the advocates of the Pretty White Boats and provide people (our children and the folks in Africia) with limited information? Limited options? Is it fair to put complete strangers on another continant at risk because we don't want to admit that our own choices may not have been the best?
Sheila and Chimera go beyond being advocates of the white boats. They appear to be sales people. I've asked them the following question: "Do you charge for those test drives? You seem to have a vested interest in lettin folks have nookie all willy-nilly..."
The response I've gotten back from the both of them is: "You're an A$$hole".
Fair enough but the question was asked for a very specific reason. I would like to know exactly why it is that those individuals refuse to promote abstenance as the best method of preventing pregnancies and STD's. What's their motivation? Are they being paid? Are they delusional and just can't comprehend that there are other options? Are they so completely governed by the stirring of their loins that it clouds their judgement?
Note to Sheila and Chimera:
In case you still don't get it here's another anology:
Your child is drowning in the bath tub. Instead of encouraging her to sit up, to get out of the water, you're holding her down and trying to stick a straw in her mouth so she can breath.
For christ' sake, you two twits need to get the child out of the water.
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