A Day To Celebrate
60 years ago, this:

was droped here:

The immediate result was this:

What it really did was end this:
In effect, it saved hundreds of thoudands of North American lives!
Not so much... You see, these people were trying to develop the bomb as well...
We managed to beat them to it though and maintained a power position ever since... Actually, that power position caused those societies to crumble...
Had that not been the case, the entire world would be engulphed in communism, not just the socialism-lite that currently occupies Canada and Europe...
So, this morning as you butter your toast, sneak in a little nookie, burn a flag or stalk outside the President's Ranch in Crawford, keep in mind that you're able to do that because of one of these.
Hiroshima softened them. Nagasaki finished 'em off...
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