
Dicks Dictionary

Libotomy (lib-otomy)

The metaphorical process used to turn normal individuals into MoonBats. Generally takes place in public schools, universities and union halls.

Libectomy (lib-ectomy)

The metaphorical process used to turn MoonBats back into normal individuals. Generally takes place after significant events eg.: having had an abortion performed, having lost friends or family as a result of terrorist activities or having lost out on employment as a result of some affirmative action program.

Please feel free to add your own inside...


Special thanks to W L Mackenzie

Slipadicktomy (slip-a-dick-to-me)

state in which lib-left women and men enter after participating in a libotomy.

Recently I've been having thoughts about the correlation between femenists and the vaginalization of modern males which has turned them into liberals... I'll put a proper post together to expand on the idea...