
Friday's shoutout!

While watching the post-mortem breakdown on the recent poll regarding western seperation, I happened to bump into another bloke with a very similiar blog. Infact, I had to do a double take, as the name of his blog is: Canukistan. He is also Canadian and looks like he would do well in the company of the enlightened. I have gathered a few nuggets of insight into what makes "Buzz" tick:

"I'm a sensible, right-thinking Canadian exposing the mushy-thinking of the average pinko Canuck." ~Sounds like the policy of Cannuckistan Chronicles as well!

"Military - we need aircraft carriers and nukes to fight the terrorists!"
~ Yes, I like what I'm hearing!

Capital Punishment - we need to kill people to show that killing people is wrong!
~Wow! People like this are getting harder and harder to find in the land of Ca(n)nuckistan!

Abortion - innocent people should never die! That's not justice!
~Oh, oh......is that a leftie troll popping his head in the door, stunned and dismayed at the pro-life endorsement he/she's hearing!?

Budget: We spend too much, except on the military!

~And with this last particle of perceptiveness, we bid a fair adieu to another like minded renegade with his compass and his heart, firmly fixated on a 'western' course.
