From the mouths of MoonBats
Quotes from the delusional left:
"The angry mother of a fallen U.S. soldier confronts her son's murderer, President George W. Bush, at his ranch on Saturday." - Gretchen
It would seem that the woman mentioned above has already met the president. She'd had some glowing things to say about GW when they'd finished... Here are her comments from a year ago:
["'I now know he's sincere about wanting freedom for the Iraqis,' Cindy said after their meeting. 'I know he's sorry and feels some pain for our loss. And I know he's a man of faith."
"The meeting didn't last long, but in their time with Bush, Cindy spoke about Casey and asked the president to make her son's sacrifice count for something. They also spoke of their faith.
The trip had one benefit that none of the Sheehans expected.
"For a moment, life returned to the way it was before Casey died. They laughed, joked and bickered playfully as they briefly toured Seattle.
For the first time in 11 weeks, they felt whole again."
"That was the gift the president gave us, the gift of happiness, of being together," Cindy said.]
Here's what she's saying now as she waits for another meeting with the President:
["It was -- you know, there was a lot of things said. We wanted to use the time for him to know that he killed an indispensable part of our family and humanity. And we wanted him to look at the pictures of Casey."

"He wouldn't look at the pictures of Casey. He didn't even know Casey's name. He came in the room and the very first thing he said is, 'So who are we honoring here?' He didn't even know Casey's name."
"He didn't want to hear it. He didn't want to hear anything about Casey. He wouldn't even call him 'him' or 'he."
He called him 'your loved one.'Every time we tried to talk about Casey and how much we missed him, he would change the subject. And he acted like it was a party.
BLITZER: Like a party? I mean...
SHEEHAN: Yes, he came in very jovial, and like we should be happy that he, our son, died for his misguided policies. He didn't even pretend like somebody...]
Thanks to Drudge for the info...
So the biggest question we have for Cindy right now is how she can possibly expect to gain a second audience with the President after pulling such a typical liberal flip-flop?
Here's a neat excerpt from
[Posted on 06/17/2005 8:47:30 AM PDT by WillMalven
Cindy Sheehan: Are Those Crocodile Tears?
Ordinarily I have a great deal of sympathy for the families of soldiers who die in combat defending our freedom. I lose that sympathy, when I see those same family members using the death or injury of their loved one for political gain.
Cindy Sheehan is pursuing a vendetta of hate against the President that predates the loss of her son. She hates George Bush, not because she believes that he is responsible for her son’s death, but because he “stole the election” in 2000 and again in 2004. She is a willing participant in the campaign of hate that the Left has pursued against President Bush since his victory in 2000. She is currently an active participant in Representative Conyers’ impeachment campaign against the President. This is a woman I watched recite an account of her son's sacrifice without shedding a tear, not a catch in her voice, or even a hesitation; no sign of grief whatsoever. His aunt who was also present was in tears as her sister read her son's story. Did she love her son? Certainly she did, all mothers love their sons; the difference is that most mothers don’t exploit the death of their sons for political purposes. They may, as in the case of MADD, use their tragedy to motivate them to pursue moral crusades to have laws passed, but these women have no political agenda prior to their loss. They are spurred to action by their loss. If Mizzz Sheehan was truly motivated by the loss of her son to pursue the ones who caused his death, she would be out for the head of Muqtada al Sadr, not President Bush, Dick Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...]
Here's another question: How is it that these people can accuse George Bush of being a murderer?
Really, If a police officer gets killed in the line of duty, is the police chief considered a murderer for sending the officer out to do his job? How about the mayor? Would he be considered a murderer for demanding that the police chief do his job and send officers out to clean up the crime? I would think not, not unless you're Gretchen or Cindy Sheehan.
If we're going to throw charges around, how's about we look at the charge of Treason. I think that charge would apply to both of those women.
Keep watching Gretchen's blog. She's got an eye for picking "winners".
"The angry mother of a fallen U.S. soldier confronts her son's murderer, President George W. Bush, at his ranch on Saturday." - Gretchen
It would seem that the woman mentioned above has already met the president. She'd had some glowing things to say about GW when they'd finished... Here are her comments from a year ago:
["'I now know he's sincere about wanting freedom for the Iraqis,' Cindy said after their meeting. 'I know he's sorry and feels some pain for our loss. And I know he's a man of faith."
"The meeting didn't last long, but in their time with Bush, Cindy spoke about Casey and asked the president to make her son's sacrifice count for something. They also spoke of their faith.
The trip had one benefit that none of the Sheehans expected.
"For a moment, life returned to the way it was before Casey died. They laughed, joked and bickered playfully as they briefly toured Seattle.
For the first time in 11 weeks, they felt whole again."
"That was the gift the president gave us, the gift of happiness, of being together," Cindy said.]
Here's what she's saying now as she waits for another meeting with the President:
["It was -- you know, there was a lot of things said. We wanted to use the time for him to know that he killed an indispensable part of our family and humanity. And we wanted him to look at the pictures of Casey."

"He wouldn't look at the pictures of Casey. He didn't even know Casey's name. He came in the room and the very first thing he said is, 'So who are we honoring here?' He didn't even know Casey's name."
"He didn't want to hear it. He didn't want to hear anything about Casey. He wouldn't even call him 'him' or 'he."
He called him 'your loved one.'Every time we tried to talk about Casey and how much we missed him, he would change the subject. And he acted like it was a party.
BLITZER: Like a party? I mean...
SHEEHAN: Yes, he came in very jovial, and like we should be happy that he, our son, died for his misguided policies. He didn't even pretend like somebody...]
Thanks to Drudge for the info...
So the biggest question we have for Cindy right now is how she can possibly expect to gain a second audience with the President after pulling such a typical liberal flip-flop?
Here's a neat excerpt from
[Posted on 06/17/2005 8:47:30 AM PDT by WillMalven
Cindy Sheehan: Are Those Crocodile Tears?
Ordinarily I have a great deal of sympathy for the families of soldiers who die in combat defending our freedom. I lose that sympathy, when I see those same family members using the death or injury of their loved one for political gain.
Cindy Sheehan is pursuing a vendetta of hate against the President that predates the loss of her son. She hates George Bush, not because she believes that he is responsible for her son’s death, but because he “stole the election” in 2000 and again in 2004. She is a willing participant in the campaign of hate that the Left has pursued against President Bush since his victory in 2000. She is currently an active participant in Representative Conyers’ impeachment campaign against the President. This is a woman I watched recite an account of her son's sacrifice without shedding a tear, not a catch in her voice, or even a hesitation; no sign of grief whatsoever. His aunt who was also present was in tears as her sister read her son's story. Did she love her son? Certainly she did, all mothers love their sons; the difference is that most mothers don’t exploit the death of their sons for political purposes. They may, as in the case of MADD, use their tragedy to motivate them to pursue moral crusades to have laws passed, but these women have no political agenda prior to their loss. They are spurred to action by their loss. If Mizzz Sheehan was truly motivated by the loss of her son to pursue the ones who caused his death, she would be out for the head of Muqtada al Sadr, not President Bush, Dick Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...]
Here's another question: How is it that these people can accuse George Bush of being a murderer?
Really, If a police officer gets killed in the line of duty, is the police chief considered a murderer for sending the officer out to do his job? How about the mayor? Would he be considered a murderer for demanding that the police chief do his job and send officers out to clean up the crime? I would think not, not unless you're Gretchen or Cindy Sheehan.
If we're going to throw charges around, how's about we look at the charge of Treason. I think that charge would apply to both of those women.
Keep watching Gretchen's blog. She's got an eye for picking "winners".
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