
I Call Bullshit!

Political correctness has gone too far in the UK.
(entire article copied with my comments in plain type)


POLICE have been told to take their shoes off and not use sniffer dogs when raiding Muslim homes.

Oh, why's that?

An 18-point guide issued by Bedfordshire Police lists dos and don'ts when dealing with Muslims who are suspected of terrorist or drugs offences.

Special rules? Are there also special rules when dealing with Christians, Jews and athiests?

The guidelines state that 'the Muslim community feels victimised and suspicious of counter terrorist police operations and in the current climate a search at a British Muslim household has the potential to become a critical incident and come under intense scrutiny'.

Oh, I see... And what of the feelings of the larger western society? Are they not feeling victimised by the terrorists operations? Would a failure to stop the terrorists activities not become a "critical incident" and come under "intense scrutiny"?

It then lists 18 points police officers should note.
These include:

• Rapid entry needs to be the last resort and raids into Muslim houses are discouraged for a number of religious dignity reasons.

Right. Lets' avoid going into their homes unless absolutely necessary. If we do have to go in, lets give them plenty of warning.

• Police should seek to avoid looking at unclad Muslim women and allow them an opportunity to dress and cover their heads.

In the case of Christian or Jewish women you're allowed to take photographs and watch them get dressed...

• For reasons of dignity officers should seek to avoid entering occupied bedrooms and bathrooms even before dawn.

This is so they aren't caught by surprise... So we don't interrupt any terrorist gettin' "jiggy". It also allows the precious time needed to dispose of any evidence...

• Use of police dogs will be considered serious desecration of the premises and may necessitate extensive cleaning of the house and disposal of household items.

For anyone else, dogs are not only recommended, they are required... I wonder what would happen if "sniffer pigs" were used.

• Advice should be sought before considering the use of cameras and camcorders due to the risk of capturing individuals, especially women, in inappropriate dress.

No pics of the bombs strapped to their nekked bodies?

• Muslim prisoners should be allowed to take additional clothing to the station.

Is this a courtesy afforded to Christians, Jews and athiests as well?

• If people are praying at home officers should stand aside and not disrupt the prayer. They should be allowed the opportunity to finish.

Even if it's one of those "excuse me while I buy some time for my buddies hiding in the cellar" 3-hour long prayers...

• Officers should not take shoes into the houses, especially in areas that might be kept pure for prayer purposes.

This is to lessen the chances that the nice police officers will be able to chase the terrorists on foot...

• In the current climate the justification for pre-dawn raids on Muslim houses needs to be clear and transparent.

Should this not be the case for any individual of any faith at any time of the day?

• Non-Muslims are not allowed to touch holy books, Qurans or religious artefacts without permission. Where possible, Muslim officers in a state of 'Wudhu' (preparation before prayer) should be used for this purpose.

Affrimitive action. Now the police have to hire a bunch of Muslums who must perpetually remain in the "Woohoo" state... Here's a link that illustrates how well that crap works.

Chairman of Luton Council of Faiths, Zafar Khan, welcomed the guidelines but said the police should deal with all faiths sensitively.

He said: "Guidelines on how to deal and interact with the community in all faiths should be welcomed.

"It's a question of being sensitive and informed and if that makes the policing more effective and more sensitive that has to be a good thing."

Well that's comforting... They don't want to appear to be singled out...

Abdul Malik, chairman of Luton Race Advisory Forum, said it had been in discussions with the police about how to raid houses before the London bombing campaign.

He said: "The police need to be sensitive when they are going into the homes of everybody - not just Muslims.

"They should keep respect. Some Hindus and Sikhs have a place or a room devoted to prayer and that should be respected too."

Ahhhh... Now I get it... It's just the eastern and middle eastern religons they are refering to... Christians, Jews and athiests are still exempt. Must be one of those "infidel" things...

A Bedfordshire Police spokesman said: "The guidelines are regularly issued to all staff as a reminder of the force protocol when entering a Muslim household.

"We take very seriously the culture surrounding all faiths and feel it is important to respect those beliefs, even while carrying out police business. We would like to reassure all communities that any current or perceived tensions, which might be heightened as a result of recent events, will not affect how police deal with Muslims or anyone else."

It would appear, to me anyway, that the Bedfordshire Police are doing their damndest to actually help the terrorists. Have these people really gone so far over the edge that they've lost sight that they're going after CRIMINALS?

I wonder if, after his recent meeting with Muslim leaders, our own PM hasn't issued (or caused to be issued) similar guidelines.

Ok, who am I kidding, we live in Cannuckistan... The guidelines must be in place already. The question now is: When will they be leaked?