
Propaganda from Planned Parenthood

Oh, now this is special...

"Planned Parenthood superhero terminates Christian protesters Character also drowns promoter of abstinence in animated video pushing 'safe is sexy' message"

[Posted: August 8, 20054:08 p.m. Eastern
By Ron Strom© 2005 WorldNetDaily.com
An online animated video sponsored by Planned Parenthood's San Francisco-area branch features a superhero character drowning an abstinence promoter in a trash can and blasting into oblivion several pro-life picketers protesting in front of one of the organization's facilities.

The eight-minute "A Superhero for Choice," posted on the Planned Parenthood Golden Gate website, has a bespectacled black woman in San Francisco morphing into a red-suited flying enforcer, bent on making the world safe for the organization's values.

Viewers see three teenagers talking with an ugly green-faced man sporting a top hat and bow tie who tries to tell the kids abstinence is the only sure way to protect against sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancy. The teen girl rebuts the man, naming several birth-control methods.

Retorts the little green man: "Those are instruments from the devil's toolbox!" ]

Naw kiddies, you don't have to keep your pants on. That's no fun. Instead, we'd like to distort the facts and put you all at risk of STD's... That's what's fun!