
There is Power in Numbers

Is anyone else fed up with Canada's paper thin commitment to our allies and democratic partners? Are you fed up with the anti-American/anti-Israeli bias that seems to be all to pervasive in this country? Are you wondering (as I have been lately) what *you* can do to help send a strong and united voice to our liberal masters in Ottawa that our weak kneed foreign policy is a disgrace and an affront to the very ideals that helped shape our North American democracy?

Well there is an organization that has formed to address and attempt to influence and alter the course our nation seems to be taking. It is called the Canadian Coalition for Democracies. From their site:

Many Canadians are troubled by our government’s foreign policy. Canada’s democratic way of life and multicultural society are models for the world and the basis of our moral authority. Despite this, our foreign policy consistently fails to support sister democracies who share our values, including India, Taiwan, the United States, Israel, and others who are under attack on the front lines of tyranny and global terrorism. As well as nations, our government fails to support democratic movements such as the democratic opposition in Iran, Christians in Lebanon, Copts and Baha'i in Egypt, Assyrians throughout the Muslim world, Christians and Animists in the Sudan, and Hindus in Kashmir.

At CCD, we believe that our foreign policy should reflect our respect for life and liberty. If we want peace, we must support beleaguered allies who share our Canadian values. Instead, many in our government have made it their career to condemn and criticize the United States and Israel, while being apologists for terrorists who celebrate the killing and maiming of men, women, and children. We have failed to clearly and unequivocally tell those who seek a better life in Canada that they are welcome, but only if they check their hatreds at the border. The validation that our government has given to tyrants and terrorists and their apologists has made it easier for them to deny freedom and spill the blood of innocents around the world. Increasingly, that innocent blood is on Canadian hands.

CCD will work to assure that our natural democratic allies - both nations and peoples - are supported and that their enemies receive neither encouragement nor aid from Canada.

This is an organization that I feel speaks very clearly to the kinds of hypocrisy and misdirection in policies, that our country has been pursuing. For myself, this lack of moral fortitude has got to be addressed. It is time to stand up for democracy....