
This Is Depressing

The other day I put a post up in regards to Michael Graham. He's the talk radio host who got fired for stating the opinion that islam is a terrorist organization. Now as far as I could tell, he was doing his job. That is, to bring up a contriversial subject, and discuss it with callers. Talk radio is all about opinion. Because the Council of American and Islamic Relations (CAIR) offense to his position, Mr. Graham was silenced.

The point of putting up the post was to illustrate how free speech is being squashed in the name of political correctness. I wasn't looking for debate on whether Mr. Graham was right or wrong (even though I agree with his stance) but more on the idea that he has a right to say it.

Instead, we got 56 excellent comments debating the wrong bloody issue.

And why did we debate the wrong issue? Because WE ARE CANADIAN!

Free speech is really a novel idea for us. It never enters our collective psyche that anyone other than the likes of Cindy Shehan or the moonbats over at "Babble" have the right to express an opinion. We're used to hyphinated-canadians, minorities and the government telling us what we can and can't say, what we can and can't think. It very rarely comes to mind that there may be something different.

That's why it's depressing. We need to wake up and take a long hard look at our rights. We need to exercise them.

Kate over at Small Dead Animals explores the concept further.

Oh, there's an update on the Michael Graham issue: It seems that enough people have shown outrage at his firing that he'll be allowed back on the radio, if only in a limited capacity. Story is developing on drudge.