
This Is Going To Get Me Into Trouble

I was listening to a talk radio host earlier today and he brought up an interesting point. It would seem that all of the media shots of the individuals looting, in the wake of the hurricane down south, are of black people. I've confirmed it myself looking at footage. Don't take my word for it though, tune in and confirm for yourself.

I've got a couple of questions about this situation:

1. Are blacks somehow predisposed to looting?
2. If so, why?
3. It's common sense that there are other races looting as well. That being the case, why doesn't the media show images of these other races?
4. How does showing images of strictly black people looting affect our perception of the black community?

I have a theory:

The media is liberal. Liberals like to quietly keep minorities as some sort of slave class. The liberals show only minorities causing problems to ensure that they stay as a slave class.

Think about it. If we (normal, not-liberal people) see nothing but negative stereotypes of these minorities, it fuels distrust and consequently, racism.

Consider the way our Native citizens are portrayed / treated.

Post your thoughts inside.