
This Video Really Amuses Me...

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Do you remember how completely irate the left got at the thought that there is US money being used to fight the SSM issue?

I do.

I guess that when you're on the left though, what's good for the goose really isin't good for the gander.

"Why we need to say NO to drilling in the Arctic

Once again the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is at risk from oil drilling. Over the past 25 years conservation groups have won the fight against Arctic drilling more than a dozen times. This latest challenge may prove to be different.

Embeded in the Budget Reconciliation Act, which only needs the support of 51 of the 100 senators to pass, new Arctic development legislation would open the door for invasive drilling along the Refuge’s vulnerable coastal plain.

This is potentially disastrous for a number of reasons:

Putting a global treasure at risk

Oil drilling will undoubtedly have a tremendous negative impact on the wildlife that live and migrate to the Refuge. Approximately 130,000 Porcupine Caribou arrive every spring to give birth to 40,000 calves, and drilling poses a very real threat to their reproductive cycle. The Refuge is also essential to polar bears, musk oxen, wolves, grizzly bears and millions of birds that nest and raise young there every summer.

Oil drilling would quickly disturb this delicate ecosystem to the point where it could no longer be used by caribou and other wildlife.

Canada’s connection

As Canadians, we have a vested interest in the outcome of the Budget Reconciliation bill. The Porcupine caribou herd winters in Canada, providing an essential resource to the Gwitch’in people of north Yukon who rely on caribou for food, their livelihoods and their very survival.
This herd is supposed to be managed and conserved through a Canada/U.S. agreement that dates back to 1987.

What a complete bunch of crap. I think the only accurate part of their statement was the date. How is it that people buy into this garbage?

Note to MoonBats: Consider the following points:

  • You're Canadian
  • They're Americans operating on soverign land
  • You're nuts
  • They know it
  • When they get a petition signed by 40,000 communist Canadians they'll most likely use it as toilet paper