
Closer To Home II

Crutcher's camp responds:

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

TO: Alberta Alliance Party Members
FROM: Craig B. Chandler, David Crutcher, Campaign Manager
RE: Negative Attack Piece By Randy Thorsteinson, Ed Klop Campaign

Dear Alberta Alliance Party Members,

We are in receipt of a letter by former Alberta Alliance Party leader, Randy Thorsteinson on behalf of the Ed Klop campaign strategically delivered to you in these last days of the campaign to influence your vote.

Our campaign team first read Randy Thorsteinson’s letter late yesterday and we read it several times and we are still a little stunned.

David Crutcher and I felt that Randy Thorsteinson’s was a man who we thought of as a friend. We discussed who should respond to this letter, or whether we respond at all. David Crutcher felt that as the Campaign Manager, I should respond on behalf of all the team.

Randy has always been honest with us we were quite disappointed that he broke his word.

Both David and I confronted Randy as the former leader about the rumour that he was supporting and bank rolling the Ed Klop campaign. Randy told David via phone this was untrue.

On October 7th, 2005 in the Alberta Alliance Party, Red Deer office, I confronted Randy Thorsteinson face to face. Randy looked me in the eye while I was waiting for last minute memberships by the fax machine and I was told that he is not supporting any candidate in this race. To say we are disappointed that we were misled is an understatement.

However, we feel very hurt and quite numb from Randy Thorsteinson’s very negative and personal attack on David and I.

Randy attacked David Crutcher in four different ways:

1. Randy claimed that David wants to implement an Alberta GST. This is very misleading. David Crutcher has discussed and entertained the idea of eliminating every other form of tax in Alberta and replacing all taxes with a single flat rate consumption tax. This would not apply to food, utilities or gas and only apply to certain products that have yet to be determined. David’s comments were off the cuff on AM 1140’s Freedom Radio Network, which is not a live show and therefore editing is done and the full context of the conversation is not available. This is not a policy of the David Crutcher campaign and can’t be found on any David Crutcher literature or even on the website. Randy is making comments in desperation to bolster his choice in Ed Klop. However, the Fraser Institute has released a detailed report supporting this concept, as have various other business and taxpayer organizations.

2. Randy claims that David Crutcher “…supports turning the Alberta Alliance Party into a separatist party” and referred to an Edmonton debate as evidence. Randy is putting the cart before the horse. The debate that Randy was not even at was audio taped by our campaign team. David did say at that debate that if Stephen Harper’s Conservatives do not form government he is for leading the Province out of confederation. However, we would only do this with a referendum from the membership and the member’s wishes would trump all. The comments that David Crutcher has said are no different then what another candidate said in Calgary at the Freedom Radio Network meeting after the taping. Please review David Crutcher’s comments on this by going to his website at the following link


David’s official position is as follows: “I want to do all that I can to take my country back and if we can't undue the damage that has been done then we need to seriously explore Alberta's place within confederation. My campaign slogan is a "New Alberta" within a New Canada where the province of Alberta has control over it's own destiny. Where Alberta is in equal partner in a confederation of equal provinces where no on province has special status or power of another”.

3. Randy said that I have called some of the Alberta Alliance Party Policies “left wing rubbish”. This is completely accurate. There are many policies thanks to the David Crutcher team that were tabled at the recent Calgary policy convention. Many policies were anti-business and would bankrupt the province. In new parties there are always competing visions and David has laid out a less government, lower taxes, politically accountable, pro-life, pro-family agenda instead of what was offered in the past. The members agreed with David and tabled the “left wing rubbish” I was referring to. Unfortunately, Randy’s policies were cutting red tape length wise rather then in half. In fact, over 1/3 of the membership has not renewed because of the left wing policies Randy brought forward with the party. These people would renew under the new conservative Alberta Alliance Party with David Crutcher at the helm Former Prime Minister Kim Campbell said that elections are no time for policy and we know where she is politically. David Crutcher is offering a clear vision and the members will decide.

4. Randy also claimed that I have attacked the party, other candidates and our members. This is untrue.

I never attacked the party I merely discussed party policies and offered solutions on how to improve them. I spoke the truth. If this party is to be a credible conservative alternative it needs to be conservative, not Liberal lite.

I also never attacked other candidates. I merely pointed out the same things Randy did in his letter about Paul Hinman being overworked etc… All of you have seen the letter from the David Crutcher campaign that arrived with your ballot

The following is what Randy said about Paul Hinman:

“It will be impossible for Paul Hinman to build the party as the leader. He
simply doesn’t have the time necessary to do what a leader needs to do. I should
know I have done it. The leader needs to constantly travel the province building
support and meeting the media. In one year I attended over 100 Town Hall
meetings (two per week). Paul told me just two weeks ago that at times he is
working until 3:00 am just to keep up with his demands as an MLA. Additionally,
the Tories have targeted him for the next election and a candidate – ex MLA
Broyce Jacobs – is already campaigning against him. Paul is being loyal to the
party by running for the leadership but if we ask him to be leader he will lose
his own seat; he only won by 129 votes. Broyce Jacobs only has to take 65 votes
from Paul to win. We need to be fair to Paul and allow him to focus on his
constituency. We need Paul to remain an MLA and focus on fighting for us from
within the legislature”.

The following is what Randy said about Marilyn Burns:

“Much like Paul, Marilyn simply doesn’t have the time to be the leader of
the party. Marilyn has a thriving legal practice and can not commit her full
time efforts to leading the party. If Marilyn is in the middle of a trial and a
major political event happens she will find it extremely difficult to respond –
I know I did. Based upon my experience I think Marilyn is being overly
optimistic; she told me herself that she doesn’t have the time necessary to
commit full time to the leadership of the party”.

We do agree with Randy’s assessment of the other 2 candidates.

I never attacked members of the party but merely exposed one person who left the David Crutcher campaign with strategic information.

The timing of Randy Thorsteinson’s letter is not a coincidence as the ballots were mailed on the same day the letter was released. Some feel Randy timed it perfectly, others feel he is desperate for his puppet to win and others feel that Randy does not want the party to succeed without him. I have a feeling it is a little bit of all of the above.

To find out the truth about David Crutcher and his beliefs please review the 4 page brochure glossy black & white brochure that we have sent you this week and check out David’s website at www.davidcrutcher.com

Yours in the fight,
Craig B. Chandler
Campaign Manager
David Crutcher Campaign
P: 403-720-1911
F: 403-203-3370
Website: www.davidcrutcher.com

This is why I like these guys. They're not afraid to table new ideas. They're not afraid to look at our place within the constitution. They're not afraid to call lib-left policies exactly what they are...

My support for Crutcher continues.