Conservtives are Smarter than Dummicrats
The coverage of the Harriet Miers nomination to the Supreme Court within the blogosphere has been extensive and I didn't think I'd have much to add. It's time to chime in now though.
Top US Republicans are reaching out into to the world of high technology to tame the conservative backlash against Harriet Miers, Supreme Court nominee.
Within minutes of the nomination of Ms Miers last week, conservative blogs exploded with outrage, providing the first sign of serious conservative discontent over the choice of a woman with no track record on conservative issues, such as abortion, or experience of constitutional law.
Now the White House is trying to quell the revolt of the blogs: on Wednesday, Ken Mehlman, chairman of the Republican National Committee, reached out to the bloggers who have been leading the charge against Ms Miers in a conference call whose content appeared almost instantaneously on the internet.
Professor Stephen Bainbridge, professor of corporate law at UCLA and a leading Miers opponent, “live-blogged” the conference call: that is, he took real-time notes and broadcast them on to the web on his popular “blawg”, or law blog.
Mr Mehlman assured the bloggers who were contacted by telephone that though Republicans had been disappointed before by Supreme Court nominees who turned liberal on the bench, that would not happen with Ms Miers. “11:41: Miers will not be swayed by the ‘Georgetown cocktail set',” Prof Bainbridge blogged, noting the time at which Mr Mehlman made his promise that the nominee would not fall victim to the liberalising influence of elite opinion emanating from the bijou Washington DC neighbourhood of Georgetown.
We'll start by saying that GWB is way smarter than you whiney conservative bloggers. You folks, in addition to the rest of the talking heads, are being played on the whole issue.
Let me explain...
The Republicans know that the Dummocrats aren't goint to allow someone with a proven (conservative) track record to pass through the vetting process. That's a given.
So what can they do about it? Bring in someone unknown. A cypher. A mystery.
But the Dummocrats are bound to make anything the prez does difficult no? So how do they get around it?
Make the cypher a woman for starters.
Then position a few well placed conservative cries of dissent into the mix. Those conservatives who act more like sheep than people (I know it's hard to fathom but they're out there) will begin to echo the cries. The Dummocrats will look at it and begin to think that they're getting the better end of the deal. That means less fight. It also helps to put the conservatives on the judicary committee in control of the questioning. Again, this means less fight. It means another confirmation for a Bush appointee...
I don't see Hariet Miers as a cypher. I see her as a Trojan Horse. I also see alot of the whiney conservatives bloggers as puppets...
Top US Republicans are reaching out into to the world of high technology to tame the conservative backlash against Harriet Miers, Supreme Court nominee.
Within minutes of the nomination of Ms Miers last week, conservative blogs exploded with outrage, providing the first sign of serious conservative discontent over the choice of a woman with no track record on conservative issues, such as abortion, or experience of constitutional law.
Now the White House is trying to quell the revolt of the blogs: on Wednesday, Ken Mehlman, chairman of the Republican National Committee, reached out to the bloggers who have been leading the charge against Ms Miers in a conference call whose content appeared almost instantaneously on the internet.
Professor Stephen Bainbridge, professor of corporate law at UCLA and a leading Miers opponent, “live-blogged” the conference call: that is, he took real-time notes and broadcast them on to the web on his popular “blawg”, or law blog.
Mr Mehlman assured the bloggers who were contacted by telephone that though Republicans had been disappointed before by Supreme Court nominees who turned liberal on the bench, that would not happen with Ms Miers. “11:41: Miers will not be swayed by the ‘Georgetown cocktail set',” Prof Bainbridge blogged, noting the time at which Mr Mehlman made his promise that the nominee would not fall victim to the liberalising influence of elite opinion emanating from the bijou Washington DC neighbourhood of Georgetown.
We'll start by saying that GWB is way smarter than you whiney conservative bloggers. You folks, in addition to the rest of the talking heads, are being played on the whole issue.
Let me explain...
The Republicans know that the Dummocrats aren't goint to allow someone with a proven (conservative) track record to pass through the vetting process. That's a given.
So what can they do about it? Bring in someone unknown. A cypher. A mystery.
But the Dummocrats are bound to make anything the prez does difficult no? So how do they get around it?
Make the cypher a woman for starters.
Then position a few well placed conservative cries of dissent into the mix. Those conservatives who act more like sheep than people (I know it's hard to fathom but they're out there) will begin to echo the cries. The Dummocrats will look at it and begin to think that they're getting the better end of the deal. That means less fight. It also helps to put the conservatives on the judicary committee in control of the questioning. Again, this means less fight. It means another confirmation for a Bush appointee...
I don't see Hariet Miers as a cypher. I see her as a Trojan Horse. I also see alot of the whiney conservatives bloggers as puppets...
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