
Outing a Liberal

Ya know, it really annoys me when Liberals call themselves Conservative.

Take my new friend Dylan for instance. here's what he say's about himself:

Born and raised in Western Canada, I've always considered
myself a conservative. I'm currently studying International Development in
Winnipeg, and plan on using my education to work for a Canadian NGO, or run in

His blog is titled "Right of Center Ice"

Now, if Dylan were really conservative, why would he say that his blog is "DEVOTED TO PROGRESSIVE POLITICS IN CANADA"? Why would Dylan have the following listed as his primary links?

A History of the PC Party
Website of the Prime Minister of Canada
United Nations
Vive Le Canada
Iraq Body Count
Aljazeera News (English)
CBC News
CNN Online
Mennonite Central Committee (NGO
Care Canada (NGO
Red Cross Canada (NGO
David Orchard: Campaign for Canada
Stephen Harper Said...

Aljazeera, CNN and the friggin CBC??? The PM's website???

Why would Dylan have this

or this

in his sidebar?

And when my new friend Dylan writes stuff like this, what's one to think?

Major U.N reforms must start out with the abolition of the
5 "Veto" votes given to the "winners" of World War II. The United States,
France, Great Britian, China, and Russia (the former USSR) need to give up their
veto votes to ensure that the truest forms of justice are carried out against
nations that violate Human Rights and break international law. The US will
always veto any reforms regarding taking away their veto vote as it would allow
other nations to bring their Presidents and country to the table on a variety of
human rights issues; Gitmo being a prime target for good

Nations who say that they are willing to make the MDG's a
reality must stand by their committments and front the money that they pledged.
It's no wonder that Paul Martin says that the U.N is made up of "empty pledges"
when our committment to the MDG's requires 0.7% of our GDP and it's not being
done! Not by Canada, the USA, Sweden, Norway, Germany, France... etc. How can
Paul Martin, George Bush, Tony Blair call the U.N to reform when they themselves
are not willing to make the first step and make their "empty pledge" a reality?
Why should other nations pledge more and give their 0.7% when Canada, the only
nation in the G-8 with a surplus, doesn't? If Canadians expect "results" from
the U.N but doesn't do what it takes to get those same results, then we are by
no means a part of the solution.

Well I'll tell ya what. Looking at my new friend Dylan its easy to see that he really isin't a conservative. He's a Liberal. Tottering on the edge of becommng a full blown MoonBat. Somebody please help this poor child.