
Regarding The Audio

It would seem that there are a fair number of people out there that don't know how to use the volume control on their computers. I've been getting complaints about the audio embedded in the background.

OK, fair enough. I'm doing some housekeeping today and made some changes.

If you look to the right (below the stat counters), you'll see the section where I'll keep the audio files. The choice is yours to listen or not. From here on in (or until I change my mind) there wont be audio in the background unless it really emphasizes the point of one of the posts.

Right then, today we have a selection of:

  • Frank Sinatra flies to the moon - To help make Wonder Woman feel at home;
  • Kim Jong Il singing "I'm So Ronery" - To help the Knight of Good feel at home;
  • The Corb Lund Band sings about switchin' to whiskey - Because I still live here;
  • and, The ACLU / 50 Ways To Be A Liberal songs - To remind the moonbats that they're still moonbats

Enjoy your visit folks