Some quick notes
- I met another Calgary bolgger yesterday. Mike P from Project Alberta. We're going to get along just fine I think. There's cold beer in our future. I'll tell ya, it's nice being able to sit and have a conversation with like-minded people.
- One of the things that came up in our discussion was the need to turn the apathetic sheepole back into citizens who actually give a damn. He suggested a war on apathy. I agree. Now the problem with a war on apathy is that it won't be politically correct. Folks don't like being told to wake up. They don't like being told to pull their heads out of their asses. They find it easier to go from day to day safe and secure in their protective little "bubbles". Well we here at the Chronicles think that political correctness is for whimps. People who try to win friends by pleasing everybody. That's BUNK! If the Chronicles wants another friend, we'll get another dog. As such, the Chronicles will be taking up the mantle and promoting the war on apathy on an ongoing basis. Whimps be dammed! Stay tuned for updates on this.
- Project AB is looking like a great source for information on the candidates in the upcoming Alberta Alliance leadership race. I would suggest you sign up and find out as much as you can before voting. Note as well that the SPA has a strong presence within the conversation threads. Someone needs to get these two parties together so they don't end up splitting the conservative vote and allowing the freakish liberal party to have more seats in the next provincial election.
- Craig Chandler, Campaign Manager for David Crutcher is not doing a great job of communicating Crutcher's positions within the Project AB message boards. My support is wavering as a result. Pay attention David.
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