Another Conservative Party Sell Out?
OTTAWA - Peter MacKay has been dating a blonde billionairess. Not Belinda Stronach -- this time it's Sophie Desmarais of the wealthy Power Corp. family.
Mr. MacKay, who is deputy leader of the Conservatives, and Ms. Desmarais met at dinner at Brian and Mila Mulroney's Montreal home about a month ago. The Mulroneys played matchmaker -- Mrs. Mulroney thinks highly of Mr. MacKay and knows Ms. Desmarais. They have been seen dining together a couple of times in Ottawa since then.
The romance is at an early stage but is understood to have developed fairly quickly, according to sources. "She gave him a little peck on the cheek as they left," said one source who had seen them out together.
Now before you brush this off as ol' Peter lookin for a little luvvin, have a look at the incestious relationship between the current (corrupt) Canadian Government and the Desmarais family/Power Corp and it's connections to things like the Kyoto Accord and the oil for food scandel (the first block of info is a little older and I've put in little [updates] ):
It may pay you to spend a few minutes tracing the connections of Paul Desmarais and Power Corp. to the leading politicians, etc. of Canada. This association explains the Kyoto pact:
JOHN RAE: leading strategist for Prime Minister Chretien's election campaign. Was Executive Vice- President of Power Corp. and Paul Desmarais' right- hand man. His brother is....
BOB RAE: ex-NDP Premier of Ontario, who appointed....
MAURICE STRONG (his god father) to the chairmanship of Ontario Hydro, which he proceeded to dramatically cut in both skilled human resources and generating capacity Past CEO of Desmarais Power corp. Strong received an appointment to the UN as senior environmental advisor to the UN president and chairman of the earth council. He was responsible for the Kyoto accords. More on Moe Strong:
PAUL MARTIN: current federal Finance Minister. [update - current Liberal Prime Minister of Canada] Rose through the ranks at Power Corp., mentored by Paul Desmarais. Bought Canada Steamship Lines from him. Ran against Chretien for Liberal Party leadership.
JEAN CHRETIEN: [former] Prime Minister. Daughter, France, is married to Andre Desmarais, son of Paul Desmarais, chairman of Power Corporation. Chretien's "advisor, counsellor and strategist" for the past 30 years has been ...
(POWER CORP was also the majority shareholder in PetroFina France which had tens of BILLIONS$ in long term contracts with Saddam / IRAQ... but no, that would NOT have any bearing on why Chretien chose not to participate IRAQ WAR #2. Nah!)
MITCHELL SHARP, who brought Chretien into politics when he was Finance Minister. Sharp has been, since 1981, Vice-Chairman for North America of the corporate globalist TRILATERAL COMMISSION.
DANIEL JOHNSON: Liberal leader in Quebec. Rose through the ranks of Power Corp. Key in delivering federal spending to Quebec based Power Corp and other corporate welfare cases in the province
BRIAN MULRONEY: ex- [Progressive] Conservative Prime Minister. Now a lawyer and lobbyist for Power Corporation which, together with Ontario Hydro and Hydro Quebec, has just formed the Hong Kong-based ASIA POWER CORP., to help China to develop its energy potential. Power Corp.'s legal interests in Asia will be handled by a Hong Kong branch of Mulroney's Montreal law firm, Olgilvy, Renault.
NOTE: The Conservative party mentioned here is NOT the current CPC party. [update - adding Peter McKay to the mix does in fact add the current CPC]
PIERRE TRUDEAU: past PM and former power corp. lawyer. Introduced into the company by his father who had business connections to Desmarais. PET signed over millions to Power corp. under federal grant programs. Desmarais funded his election campaign. So...we have the CONSERVATIVE party , the LIBERAL party , and the NDP all tightly connected to....Paul Desmarais and Power Corp. And we have the Prime Minister, the Finance Minister, and the Prime Minister's key aide all tightly connected to....Paul Desmarais and Power Corp.
We now see the Power Corp. key alumnus in the UN Kyoto deal which so coincidentally benefits the (largely unpublicized) business interests of Desmarais alumnus.
Maurice Strong has now joined Brian Mulroney and Paul Desmarais in investing in the Asia Power Group's $100 million venture capital in "small coal-fired power plants being built in the south of China". They are also looking at "larger projects in northern China, as well as in Malaysia, the Philippines and India." The Asian economies are expected to spend $1 trillion on essential infrastructure, of which an estimated $400 billion will be on power generation. Chinese and Asian labour costs are low - as low, in China, as $45 per month - and potential profits are enormous.
The Nov/Dec. 1993 issue of Council on Foreign Relations' publication FOREIGN RELATIONS contains an article, THE RISE OF CHINA, in which we are warned that China will begin to use more energy than the United States within a few decades, massively straining the world's energy supplies. If you were a power company investment magnet where would you place your future fortunes?
In a nation wracked with environmental paranoia or a developing, unregulated energy hungry industrial giant? China is gearing up to be the world's dominant manufacturing power. Most of China's energy comes from the burning of soft, high-sulphur, highly- polluting coal. In 1991 alone, 11 trillion cubic meters of waste gases and sixteen million tons of soot were emitted into the atmosphere over China - and it has only just begun its long process of increased energy generation! The sulphur in this coal causes acid rain. The burning of the coal releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, the most efficient "greenhouse gas" in the global warming process.
There are indications that Strong , Desmarais and their crones (under ghost corporate affiliates) are behind the current rash of buying of low grade coal mines in depressed nations to fuel these projects. But this is yet to be fully substantiated. Who would invest so massively in low grade coal when it was targeted as Kyoto taboo commodity? Maybe someone who knew in advance they would be able to burn it with out regulation in China? Green house fears bottomed out the price of these coal purchases. If it can be used for power generating fuel, you stand to have a very inexpensive fuel source. China continues to burn coal in it's power production unregulated by Kyoto.
Now the real hook. You remember Maurice Strong? Desmarais familiar and corporate confidante, ex power boss, major investor in 3rd world coal fired energy enterprise? Well Maurice ended up appointed to the UN as head advisor to the UN president on environmental affairs Is this irony? He was campaigned for that position by Canada's PM's and diplomats. As such, he called a little multi national conference called Kyoto! Maurice and his friend Jean Chretien wrote and signed an agreement which effectively will destroy their pal Desmarais` chef energy competitor (Alberta Nat Gas) and gave Power Corp investment in China coal/energy an enormous competitive advantage. Anyone who thinks this as mere coincidence is unaware of the networking of international corporate elites. This revelation makes it clear theKyoto earth summit was a vehicle used by corporate (Strong/Chretien) bag men to create a huge global shift in powergeneration profits. They were backed by one of the worlds most devious businessmen.
Oh, and Paul Desmarais? In September, 1993, he joined the Trilateral Commission. He spearheaded the Tri-lat initiative of promoting a Kyoto-like conference over concerns for the planet from carbon emissions produced by the DEVELOPED NATIONS.
h/t coldwave
Here's a chart showing how our friends have been tied to the "Oil For Food Scandel":
I don't think this little romance was started by just some chance encounter and I'm going to make a bold prediction:
The Desmarais family is hedging it's bets that Peter McKay is going to be the next Prime Minister of Canada and want's to maintain their families ties to that office.
This makes sense. It's becoming painfully clear that we'll have another minority government in the next election. Harper and Martin are both going to be turffed as a result. Once the CPC has McKay in place as leader (he's not "scary" like Harper and is way more "liberal friendly") they'll be able to win a majority.
That being the case, Harper will come home and begin work on the AB seperation campaign.
Mr. MacKay, who is deputy leader of the Conservatives, and Ms. Desmarais met at dinner at Brian and Mila Mulroney's Montreal home about a month ago. The Mulroneys played matchmaker -- Mrs. Mulroney thinks highly of Mr. MacKay and knows Ms. Desmarais. They have been seen dining together a couple of times in Ottawa since then.
The romance is at an early stage but is understood to have developed fairly quickly, according to sources. "She gave him a little peck on the cheek as they left," said one source who had seen them out together.
Now before you brush this off as ol' Peter lookin for a little luvvin, have a look at the incestious relationship between the current (corrupt) Canadian Government and the Desmarais family/Power Corp and it's connections to things like the Kyoto Accord and the oil for food scandel (the first block of info is a little older and I've put in little [updates] ):
It may pay you to spend a few minutes tracing the connections of Paul Desmarais and Power Corp. to the leading politicians, etc. of Canada. This association explains the Kyoto pact:
JOHN RAE: leading strategist for Prime Minister Chretien's election campaign. Was Executive Vice- President of Power Corp. and Paul Desmarais' right- hand man. His brother is....
BOB RAE: ex-NDP Premier of Ontario, who appointed....
MAURICE STRONG (his god father) to the chairmanship of Ontario Hydro, which he proceeded to dramatically cut in both skilled human resources and generating capacity Past CEO of Desmarais Power corp. Strong received an appointment to the UN as senior environmental advisor to the UN president and chairman of the earth council. He was responsible for the Kyoto accords. More on Moe Strong:
PAUL MARTIN: current federal Finance Minister. [update - current Liberal Prime Minister of Canada] Rose through the ranks at Power Corp., mentored by Paul Desmarais. Bought Canada Steamship Lines from him. Ran against Chretien for Liberal Party leadership.
JEAN CHRETIEN: [former] Prime Minister. Daughter, France, is married to Andre Desmarais, son of Paul Desmarais, chairman of Power Corporation. Chretien's "advisor, counsellor and strategist" for the past 30 years has been ...
(POWER CORP was also the majority shareholder in PetroFina France which had tens of BILLIONS$ in long term contracts with Saddam / IRAQ... but no, that would NOT have any bearing on why Chretien chose not to participate IRAQ WAR #2. Nah!)
MITCHELL SHARP, who brought Chretien into politics when he was Finance Minister. Sharp has been, since 1981, Vice-Chairman for North America of the corporate globalist TRILATERAL COMMISSION.
DANIEL JOHNSON: Liberal leader in Quebec. Rose through the ranks of Power Corp. Key in delivering federal spending to Quebec based Power Corp and other corporate welfare cases in the province
BRIAN MULRONEY: ex- [Progressive] Conservative Prime Minister. Now a lawyer and lobbyist for Power Corporation which, together with Ontario Hydro and Hydro Quebec, has just formed the Hong Kong-based ASIA POWER CORP., to help China to develop its energy potential. Power Corp.'s legal interests in Asia will be handled by a Hong Kong branch of Mulroney's Montreal law firm, Olgilvy, Renault.
NOTE: The Conservative party mentioned here is NOT the current CPC party. [update - adding Peter McKay to the mix does in fact add the current CPC]
PIERRE TRUDEAU: past PM and former power corp. lawyer. Introduced into the company by his father who had business connections to Desmarais. PET signed over millions to Power corp. under federal grant programs. Desmarais funded his election campaign. So...we have the CONSERVATIVE party , the LIBERAL party , and the NDP all tightly connected to....Paul Desmarais and Power Corp. And we have the Prime Minister, the Finance Minister, and the Prime Minister's key aide all tightly connected to....Paul Desmarais and Power Corp.
We now see the Power Corp. key alumnus in the UN Kyoto deal which so coincidentally benefits the (largely unpublicized) business interests of Desmarais alumnus.
Maurice Strong has now joined Brian Mulroney and Paul Desmarais in investing in the Asia Power Group's $100 million venture capital in "small coal-fired power plants being built in the south of China". They are also looking at "larger projects in northern China, as well as in Malaysia, the Philippines and India." The Asian economies are expected to spend $1 trillion on essential infrastructure, of which an estimated $400 billion will be on power generation. Chinese and Asian labour costs are low - as low, in China, as $45 per month - and potential profits are enormous.
The Nov/Dec. 1993 issue of Council on Foreign Relations' publication FOREIGN RELATIONS contains an article, THE RISE OF CHINA, in which we are warned that China will begin to use more energy than the United States within a few decades, massively straining the world's energy supplies. If you were a power company investment magnet where would you place your future fortunes?
In a nation wracked with environmental paranoia or a developing, unregulated energy hungry industrial giant? China is gearing up to be the world's dominant manufacturing power. Most of China's energy comes from the burning of soft, high-sulphur, highly- polluting coal. In 1991 alone, 11 trillion cubic meters of waste gases and sixteen million tons of soot were emitted into the atmosphere over China - and it has only just begun its long process of increased energy generation! The sulphur in this coal causes acid rain. The burning of the coal releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, the most efficient "greenhouse gas" in the global warming process.
There are indications that Strong , Desmarais and their crones (under ghost corporate affiliates) are behind the current rash of buying of low grade coal mines in depressed nations to fuel these projects. But this is yet to be fully substantiated. Who would invest so massively in low grade coal when it was targeted as Kyoto taboo commodity? Maybe someone who knew in advance they would be able to burn it with out regulation in China? Green house fears bottomed out the price of these coal purchases. If it can be used for power generating fuel, you stand to have a very inexpensive fuel source. China continues to burn coal in it's power production unregulated by Kyoto.
Now the real hook. You remember Maurice Strong? Desmarais familiar and corporate confidante, ex power boss, major investor in 3rd world coal fired energy enterprise? Well Maurice ended up appointed to the UN as head advisor to the UN president on environmental affairs Is this irony? He was campaigned for that position by Canada's PM's and diplomats. As such, he called a little multi national conference called Kyoto! Maurice and his friend Jean Chretien wrote and signed an agreement which effectively will destroy their pal Desmarais` chef energy competitor (Alberta Nat Gas) and gave Power Corp investment in China coal/energy an enormous competitive advantage. Anyone who thinks this as mere coincidence is unaware of the networking of international corporate elites. This revelation makes it clear theKyoto earth summit was a vehicle used by corporate (Strong/Chretien) bag men to create a huge global shift in powergeneration profits. They were backed by one of the worlds most devious businessmen.
Oh, and Paul Desmarais? In September, 1993, he joined the Trilateral Commission. He spearheaded the Tri-lat initiative of promoting a Kyoto-like conference over concerns for the planet from carbon emissions produced by the DEVELOPED NATIONS.
h/t coldwave
Here's a chart showing how our friends have been tied to the "Oil For Food Scandel":
I don't think this little romance was started by just some chance encounter and I'm going to make a bold prediction:
The Desmarais family is hedging it's bets that Peter McKay is going to be the next Prime Minister of Canada and want's to maintain their families ties to that office.
This makes sense. It's becoming painfully clear that we'll have another minority government in the next election. Harper and Martin are both going to be turffed as a result. Once the CPC has McKay in place as leader (he's not "scary" like Harper and is way more "liberal friendly") they'll be able to win a majority.
That being the case, Harper will come home and begin work on the AB seperation campaign.
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