From the Inbox
Received this on Friday, from Liberal party headquarters.
Dear Liberal Friend,
As I write these words, Liberal Headquarters here at 81 Metcalfe Street in Ottawa is alive with energy and excitement. Computers are being wired up, telephones installed, and preparations for an election are being finalized.
Canadians have said repeatedly that they don't want a Holiday election. But the Opposition Parties, led by an angry, gloomy Stephen Harper, have decided that their political agenda must be the country's agenda. That, of course, is their prerogative. But surely it doesn't require, as they spent yesterday doing, calling all Liberals corrupt and drawing a direct line from the Liberal Party to organized crime.
The Bloc? Their separatist agenda requires that they construct "winning conditions" for a referendum, a referendum that PQ Leader Andre Boisclair has promised to hold "immediately" after winning power at the provincial level. For the Bloc, the election of a Stephen Harper government with them holding the balance of power is the ultimate "winning condition". For they know that Stephen Harper's neo-conservative agenda is the very antithesis of Quebeckers' views. They, too, call all Liberals "corrupt" in the most McCarthyite way, to mask the fact that they have no policies that represent a positive vision of Quebec's place in Canada.
It all amounts to a nasty campaign. As Liberals, we need to be prepared for the lowest possible level of political discourse from our opponents. We need to be prepared to respond to excessive charges. And we need to promote our record of achievement. That means speaking of a 30-year low in unemployment. Record surpluses. The best economy in the G-8. Social innovation. Child care. Tax cuts. Positive things - things that we can all be proud of.
I will be spending the rest of the time before Monday working with the Campaign team to construct a winning campaign. That campaign will cost over $18 million. Now more than ever, we need your help to mount that campaign. Our candidates need your time and talents. Your friends and neighbours can and should be asked to pitch in and help on our campaign.
Finally, we need your help to finance the campaign. Please take the time to donate to a winning campaign. Even a small amount helps. And as we approach year end, you are close to obtaining a generous tax credit.
As we approach our campaign launch, we carry with us the support of the hundreds of thousands of Liberals across Canada. And more than ever, we ask for a demonstration of that support: financial, moral, and otherwise - to re-elect a Liberal government.
You gotta love these guys. First they say this:
But the Opposition Parties, led by an angry, gloomy Stephen Harper...
then this
It all amounts to a nasty campaign. As Liberals, we need to be prepared for the lowest possible level of political discourse from our opponents...
So in the 1st paragraph, they are calling their opponents names, in the third lamenting the fact that name calling is going to happen - what hypocrites!
Then there is this about the Bloc:
For they know that Stephen Harper's neo-conservative agenda is the very antithesis of Quebeckers' views. They, too, call all Liberals "corrupt" (emphasis theirs) in the most McCarthyite way, to mask the fact that they have no policies that represent a positive vision of Quebec's place in Canada.
Note: neo-conservative and McCarthyite. Isn't it the height of McCarthyism to flail accusations all over the place hoping something sticks, just like this e mail. Oh, by the way Steve (This letter is signed by Steven MacKinnon), McCarthy was right, their where communists in government, in the entertainment industry, in business. His methods, I admit, where heavy handed, but his assertion had truth in it. Same applies. You may argue it's McCarthyism to accuse all Liberals of corruption, but there is sufficient evidence of Liberal corruption to warrant the charge.
My favourite part of the e mail is this:
Finally, we need your help to finance the campaign...
What's the matter Steve, can't steal the money like you did the last two elections?
Anyway, here's the last portion of the e mail:
Yours in Liberalism,

Steven MacKinnon
National Director
P.S. Please redirect this e-mail on to others you think will support a winning campaign!
Your wish is my command Mr. MacKinnon, I have just passed your e mail on to the readers of Cannuckistan Chronicles.
Dear Liberal Friend,
As I write these words, Liberal Headquarters here at 81 Metcalfe Street in Ottawa is alive with energy and excitement. Computers are being wired up, telephones installed, and preparations for an election are being finalized.
Canadians have said repeatedly that they don't want a Holiday election. But the Opposition Parties, led by an angry, gloomy Stephen Harper, have decided that their political agenda must be the country's agenda. That, of course, is their prerogative. But surely it doesn't require, as they spent yesterday doing, calling all Liberals corrupt and drawing a direct line from the Liberal Party to organized crime.
The Bloc? Their separatist agenda requires that they construct "winning conditions" for a referendum, a referendum that PQ Leader Andre Boisclair has promised to hold "immediately" after winning power at the provincial level. For the Bloc, the election of a Stephen Harper government with them holding the balance of power is the ultimate "winning condition". For they know that Stephen Harper's neo-conservative agenda is the very antithesis of Quebeckers' views. They, too, call all Liberals "corrupt" in the most McCarthyite way, to mask the fact that they have no policies that represent a positive vision of Quebec's place in Canada.
It all amounts to a nasty campaign. As Liberals, we need to be prepared for the lowest possible level of political discourse from our opponents. We need to be prepared to respond to excessive charges. And we need to promote our record of achievement. That means speaking of a 30-year low in unemployment. Record surpluses. The best economy in the G-8. Social innovation. Child care. Tax cuts. Positive things - things that we can all be proud of.
I will be spending the rest of the time before Monday working with the Campaign team to construct a winning campaign. That campaign will cost over $18 million. Now more than ever, we need your help to mount that campaign. Our candidates need your time and talents. Your friends and neighbours can and should be asked to pitch in and help on our campaign.
Finally, we need your help to finance the campaign. Please take the time to donate to a winning campaign. Even a small amount helps. And as we approach year end, you are close to obtaining a generous tax credit.
As we approach our campaign launch, we carry with us the support of the hundreds of thousands of Liberals across Canada. And more than ever, we ask for a demonstration of that support: financial, moral, and otherwise - to re-elect a Liberal government.
You gotta love these guys. First they say this:
But the Opposition Parties, led by an angry, gloomy Stephen Harper...
then this
It all amounts to a nasty campaign. As Liberals, we need to be prepared for the lowest possible level of political discourse from our opponents...
So in the 1st paragraph, they are calling their opponents names, in the third lamenting the fact that name calling is going to happen - what hypocrites!
Then there is this about the Bloc:
For they know that Stephen Harper's neo-conservative agenda is the very antithesis of Quebeckers' views. They, too, call all Liberals "corrupt" (emphasis theirs) in the most McCarthyite way, to mask the fact that they have no policies that represent a positive vision of Quebec's place in Canada.
Note: neo-conservative and McCarthyite. Isn't it the height of McCarthyism to flail accusations all over the place hoping something sticks, just like this e mail. Oh, by the way Steve (This letter is signed by Steven MacKinnon), McCarthy was right, their where communists in government, in the entertainment industry, in business. His methods, I admit, where heavy handed, but his assertion had truth in it. Same applies. You may argue it's McCarthyism to accuse all Liberals of corruption, but there is sufficient evidence of Liberal corruption to warrant the charge.
My favourite part of the e mail is this:
Finally, we need your help to finance the campaign...
What's the matter Steve, can't steal the money like you did the last two elections?
Anyway, here's the last portion of the e mail:
Yours in Liberalism,

Steven MacKinnon
National Director
P.S. Please redirect this e-mail on to others you think will support a winning campaign!
Your wish is my command Mr. MacKinnon, I have just passed your e mail on to the readers of Cannuckistan Chronicles.
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