Long Live Good Mr. Iron Man

Do I feel betrayed? Maybe a little.
Was it ever disheartening? Not for one second.
I am reminded of Stephen Harper's encouraging words, that dark and sad May Knight...
"You may have lost tonight's battle but you have done it in order to win the war,"
Good Mr. Iron Man sacrificed his career acting against a very complicit Liberal party. You can say what you want about tapes being edited, but they existed for a reason, and that reason wasn't because Good Mr. Iron Man thought of himself as a rising star(like B.S does) and wanted the publicity(like B.S does).
He was acting for the Good of Canada then, he is acting for the Good of Canada today.
Have a happy life outside of politics Good Mr. Iron Man.
History will have your tapes forever.
p.s: At least I will never have to have my comments censored at "buckets" of greywall's SmearBlog again...
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