
More Shining Examples of Lib-Left Thinking

Note to US readers: These people aren't the exception up here, they're the rule.

My new friend Polly is now equating the previous post on her as a "virtual sexual assault".

Richard Evans concludes his attack on me with the following words: Well, there you have it folks. We don't know if Polly is a lesbian or not but we can be certain that she hates Dick...

By introducing sex, he resorts to the age-old tactic of using sex to control women. As one commenter puts it, he uses "virtual sexual assault". The intent is to humiliate and debase.

Unfortunately, I have seen these tactics used repeatedly throughout the blogosphere:
So and so likes horse cock....I fucked so and so up the ass...and of course, ...we can be certain that she hates Dick.

Can you imagine the situation reversed?

...Well, folks, we don't know if Richard is gay or not, but we can be certain that he hates Pussy..whoops, I mean Polly ...(hehe)...

Sorry Polly, "Dick" is a name. If you're going to make references like this, please ensure to keep them in context.

And here are some of the comments off of our new friend Dale's blog:

dirk said:
You hit it in the head…”The shit slinging, smear breeding monkeys then begin to dance along the comment list, frolicking amongst one-line hate tag lines and profoundly stupid utterances like “Dude, you totally fictitiously pw3nd that pinko moonbat!!!111! LOLZ!?!/”…

I have tried to debate with some conservative bloggers my self. Out of a genuine interest in understanding how they arrive at their conclusions. Most start of right away with insults or name calling.But I guess its in their nature to be such,how else can you write such posts and comments as showen by your post. Its not based on anything but bigotry and pre-concieved notions. I have found myself scratching my head on numerous occassions while reading some blogs of the “consevative right”.


Annamarie Deneen said:


You are a kind, selfless person who thinks of others, and feels the pain of those who are suffering, neglected, hurt. You gallantly gave support to Polly, and for this you were maligned by two vicious, vituperative individuals whom I am ashamed to call ‘Canadians’. Please disregard their inane, nonsensical drivel, and perhaps if we ignore them, they will stop posting here.

Dirk: You can't start off your paragraph by calling someone a bunch of names and then finish with some diatribe about how you hate it when someone starts of by calling you a bunch of names... You're an idiot. (see, I finished with it just to make you happy)

Now I have one simple question that these people haven't seemed to want to answer.

Would they be acting with such indignation were it a male I profiled instead of "Polly the martyr who doesn't claim to want to help people while saying that she wants to help people"?

Oh, and one small point of clarification for you moonbats who can't seem to read: The "Calgary MoonBat" post had nothing to do with the CDA.