
Has the GoodAle Gone Skunky?

From Bourque Newswatch:

Bourque has learned that embattled Finance Minister Ralph Goodale is being pressured to give up his Cabinet seat for an indeterminate period of time, this in light of devastating news first revealed to the nation here yesterday that the RCMP has launched a criminal investigation into leaks from his department regarding rulings relating to the growing income trust scandal. According to senior sources inside the Paul Martin Liberal Party who spoke on condition of anonymity, "the official party posture is that Ralph didn't know anything and therefore shouldn't have to resign, but the public perception is devastating, it's killing us, and we need to move firmly to squelch the stink." Incredibly, Prime Minister Paul Martin has refused to comment directly on news of the RCMP criminal probe, except to offer support for Goodale, blustering that "The RCMP has said there is no evidence of wrongdoing on Mr. Goodale's behalf, his office or his department", a comment that would seem to contradict RCMP Commissioner Giuliano Zaccardelli in his letter of December 23, where he states categorically that "based on information during the review, the RCMP will be commencing a criminal investigation". All of which begs the question: if Martin is so sure the RCMP is not investigating Goodale and his Department, who does he think the RCMP is investigating, the PMO ? Meanwhile, Goodale is said to be reeling from the latest developments in this scandal. "A little rattled", as blogger "Kate" put it at Small Dead Animals, noting that "Ralph is on local radio right now, repeating his assertions that he investigated himself to his own satisfaction." His campaign team, according to one lifer who emailed Bourque, is said to be "dismayed and disillusioned" by the stunning turn of events. Further, fully 82% of those polled in a Bourque Barometer overnight say Goodale has no choice but to step aside. Developing.

The question is, will he jump, be pushed, or hang in there? A true team man would jump, but there is little of the "what's good for the team" spirit in the latest Liberal incarnation. Will he be pushed. Maybe, but Martin can be stupidly loyal, and at very strange times. As a loyal Martinite, he may hang on, good for us Conservatives if he does. My guess, Martin will be convinced to let him go, lest the stink find it's way to the PMO. Think it can't, re read this line:

if Martin is so sure the RCMP is not investigating Goodale and his Department, who does he think the RCMP is investigating, the PMO ?

I for one will miss Mr. Goodale, if for no other reason than because ever since I started political writing in the spring, I have had fun with the name, calling him Skunkybeer, Waterylager &tc. I hate to see a dependable joke just up and resigning.

Find out more at:

angry in the great white north, Bourque, Political Staples and CTV's David Akin's.

Cross Posted to At Home in Hespeler