
Is Sheila back on the Tequila?

Or is it me who needs more of Mexico's finest? But I find myself agreeing with Sheila Copps lately. Perhaps indicative of how bad the split is in the Liberal party, Sheila has been sounding like a Conservative Spin-ster. Today, she pokes holes in Paul Martin's debate, citing the Liberal leadership debate in which he said the opposite of what he said this week.

Remember, when Paul Martin says "Stephen Harper would have sent your sons to Iraq," so to would Paul Martin. When he says "Harper's opposition to gay marriage leaves him unfit to govern," Martin himself was unfit to govern two short years ago. And when he says "Stephen Harper is scary and angry," remember this picture:

From today's Copps Article:

Two and a half years ago, the same prime minister stood on another stage in Vancouver and took the exact opposite position! In fact, so critical was he of the era of Chretien-Bush relations that he endorsed the "perimeter North America" concept proposed by the Business Council on National Issues, which would essentially keep a common fence around, not between, Canada and the U.S. I also recall him working behind the scenes to undermine then-PM Jean Chretien's decision not to send troops to Iraq.

During that same Liberal debate, he also refused to support gay marriage and remained ambiguous about whether he would even sign the Kyoto accord...

and the capper:

And why do certain media outlets think it is relevant to cover Harper's eight-year-old flip-flops but blank out when it comes to Martin's about-face on Kyoto, Iraq and gay marriage? Double standard, anyone?

Cross Posted to At Home In Hespeler