
Leger Marketing Poll

Remember when Joe Clark in his role as emperor of Who-ville, use to talk about the Progressive Conservative Party as the only national alternative to the Liberals. I'm looking at today's Leger Marketing Survey and wondering, who's a national party now?

The Liberals own half of Atlantic Canada, and the other half, which happens to live in Ontario. The CPs own Alberta and the Bloc has a slight edge in Quebec. But no party is in position to call themselves truly national, just like Joe's Whos.

Surely National means you have real opportunities in 9 or 10 provinces. Nobody can do this right now. If you aren't in a party led by Gilles Ducceppe, you're not getting seats in Quebec. Ditto for Alberta and Stephen Harper's party. But don't look for any of those guys in Atlantic Canada, and the NDP is a tiny rump party everywhere. According to various polls (I know, don't trust them!) the NDP is having a tough time out pacing the Green Party in this election. So again, I ask it, who's a national party? And does anybody have a true mandate to govern this country if they aren't truly national?

What a mess we've become!

Cross Posted to At Home In Hespeler